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CTS Library / The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance

The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance (2)

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WELBELOUED Sonnes, Salutation and Apostolicall Benediction. The tribulations and calamities, which yee haue continually sustainedfor the keeping of the Catholike Faith, haue alwayes afflicted vs with great griefe of minde. But for as much as we vnderstand that at this time all things are more grieuous, our affliction hereby is wonderfully increased. For wee haue heard how you are compelled, by most grieuous punishments set before you, to goe to the Churches of Heretikes, to frequent their assemblies, to be present at their Sermons. Truly wee doe vndoubtedly beleeue, that they which with so great constancie and fortitude, haue hitherto indured most cruell persecutions and almost infinite miseries, that they may walke without spot in the Law of the Lord; will neuer suffer themselves to be defiled with the communion of those that haue forsaken the diuine Law. Yet notwithstanding, being compelled by the zeale of our Pastorall Office, and by our Fatherly care which we doe continually take for the saluation of your soules, we are inforced to admonish and desire you, that by no meanes you come unto the Churches of the Heretickes, or hear their Sermons, or communicate with them in their Rites, lest you incurre the wrath of God: For these things may ye not doe without indamaging the worship of God, and your owne sal- uation. As likewise you cannot, without most euident and grieuous wronging of Gods Honour, bind your selues by the Oath, which in like maner we haue heard with very great griefe of our heart is administred vnto you, of the tenor vnder-written. viz.

I A.B. doe trewly and sincerely acknowledge, professe, testifie and declare in my conscience before God and the world, That our Soueraigne Lord King IAMES, is lawfull King of this Realme, and of all other his Maiesties Dominions and Coun-

treyes: And that the Pope neither of himselfe, nor by any authority of the Church or Sea of Rome, or by any other meanes with any other, hath any power or au- thoritie to depose the King, or to dispose of any of his Maiesties Kingdomes or Dominions, or to authorize any forreigne Prince to inuade or annoy him or his Countreys, or to discharge any of his Subiects of their Allegiance and obedience to his Maiestie, or to giue Licence or leaue to any of them to beare Armes, raise tumults, or to offer any violence or hurt to his Maiesties Royall Person, State or Gouernment, or to any of his Maiesties subiects within his Maiesties Dominions. Also I doe sweare from my heart, that, notwithstanding any declaration or sentence of Excommunication, or depriuation made or granted, or to be made or granted, by the Pope or his successors, or by any Authoritie deriued, or pretended to be deriued from him or his Sea, against the said King, his heires or successors, or any absolution of the said subiects from their obedience; I will beare faith and trew Allegiance to his Maiestie, his heires and successors, and him and them will defend to the vttermost of my power, against all conspiracies and attempts what- soeuer, which shalbe made against his or their Persons, their Crowne and dignitie, by reason or colour of any such sentence, or declaration, or otherwise, and will doe my best endeuour to disclose and make knowne vnto his Maiestie, his heires and successors, all Treasons and traiterous conspiracies, which I shall know or heare of, to be against him or any of them. And I doe further sweare, That I doe from my heart abhorre, detest and abiure as impious and Hereticall, this damnable doctrine and position, That Princes which be excommunicated or depriued by the Pope, may be deposed or murthered by their Subiects or any other whatsoeuer. And I doe beleeue, and in conscience am resolued, that neither the Pope nor any person whatsoeuer, hath power to absolue me of this Oath, or any part thereof; which I acknowledge by good and full authoritie to bee lawfully ministred vnto mee, and doe renounce all Pardons and Dispensations to the contrarie. And all these things I doe plainely and sincerely acknowledge and sweare, according to these expresse words by me spoken, and according to the plaine and common sense and vnderstanding of the same words, without any Equiuocation, or mentall euasion, or secret reseruation whatsoeuer. And I do make this Recognition and acknowledgment heartily, willingly, and trewly, vpon the trew faith of a Christian. So helpe me GOD.

Which things since they are thus; it must euidently appeare vnto you by the words themselues, That such an Oath cannot be taken without hurting of the Catholike Faith and the saluation of your soules; seeing it conteines many things which are flat con- trary to Faith and saluation. Wherefore wee doe admonish you, that you doe vtterly abstainefrom taking this and the like Oathes: which thing wee doe the more earnestly require of you, because wee haue experience of the constancie of your faith, which is tried like gold in the fire of perpetuall tribulation. Wee doe well know, that you will cheerfully vnder-goe all kinde of cruell torments whatsoeuer, yea and constantly endure

death itselfe, rather then you will in any thing offend the Maiestie ofGod. And this our confidence is confirmed by those things, which are dayly reported vnto vs, of the singular vertue, valour, and fortitude which in these last times doeth no lesse shine in your Martyrs, then it did in the first beginning of the Church. Stand therefore, your loynes being girt about with veritie, and hauing on the brest-plate of righteousness, taking the shield of Faith, be ye strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might; And let nothing hinder you. Hee which will crowne you, and doeth in Heauen behold your conflicts, willfinish the good worke which hee hath begun in you. You know how hee hath promised his disciples, that hee will neuer leaue them Orphanes: for hee is faithfull which hath promised. Hold fast therefore his correction, that is, being rooted and grounded in Charitie, whatsoeuer ye doe, whatsoeuer ye indeuour, doe it with one accord, in simplicitie of heart, in meekenesse of Spirit, without murmuring or doubt- ing. For by this doe all men know that we are the disciples ofChrist, if we haue loue one to another. Which charitie, as it is very greatly to be desired of all faithfull Christians; So certainely it is altogether necessary for you, most blessed sonnes. For by this your charitie, the power of the diuel is weakened, who doeth so much assaile you, since that power of his is especially vpheld by the contentions and disagreement of our sonnes. Wee exhort you therefore by the bowels of our LordIesvs Chirst, by whose loue we are taken out of the iawes of eternall death; That above all things, you would haue mutuall charitie among you. Surely Pope Clement the eight of happy memory, hath giuen you most profitable precepts of practising brotherly charitie one to another, in his Letters in forme of a Breue, to our welbeloued sonne M. George Arch-priest of the Kingdome of England, dated the 5. day of the month of October 1602. Put them therefore diligently in practise, and be not hindered by any difficultie or doubtfulnesse. We command you that ye doe exactly obserue the words of those letters, and that yee take and vnderstand them simply as they sound, and as they lie; all power to interpret them otherwise, being taken away. In the meane while, we will neuer cease to pray to the Father of Mercies, that he would with pitie behold your afflictions and your paines; And that he would keepe and defend you with his continuall protection: whom wee doe gently greet with our Apostolicall Benediction. Dated at Rome at S. Marke, vnder the Signet of the Fisherman, the tenth of the Calends of October, 1606. the second yeere of our Popedome.

POPE 1 w 4
PAVLVS 1 w 10
THE 1 w 13
FIFT 1 w 17
TO 1 w 20
THE 2 w 23
ENGLISH 1 w 30
Sonnes 1 w 58
Salutation 1 w 69
and 1 w 72
Apostolicall 1 w 84
Benediction 1 w 95
The 1 w 99
tribulations 1 w 111
and 2 w 114
calamities 1 w 124
which 1 w 130
yee 1 w 133
haue 1 w 137
continually 1 w 148
sustainedfor 1 w 160
the 1 w 163
keeping 1 w 170
of 1 w 172
the 2 w 175
Catholike 1 w 184
Faith 1 w 189
haue 2 w 194
alwayes 1 w 201
afflicted 1 w 210
vs 1 w 212
with 1 w 216
great 1 w 221
griefe 1 w 227
of 2 w 229
minde 1 w 234
But 1 w 238
for 2 w 241
as 1 w 243
much 1 w 247
as 2 w 249
we 1 w 251
vnderstand 1 w 261
that 1 w 265
at 6 w 267
this 1 w 271
time 1 w 275
all 3 w 278
things 1 w 284
are 1 w 287
more 1 w 291
grieuous 1 w 299
our 1 w 303
affliction 1 w 313
hereby 1 w 319
is 2 w 321
wonderfully 1 w 332
increased 1 w 341
For 1 w 345
wee 1 w 348
haue 3 w 352
heard 1 w 357
how 1 w 360
you 1 w 363
are 2 w 366
compelled 1 w 375
by 2 w 378
most 1 w 382
grieuous 2 w 390
punishments 1 w 401
set 1 w 404
before 1 w 410
you 2 w 413
to 2 w 416
goe 1 w 419
to 3 w 421
the 3 w 424
Churches 1 w 432
of 3 w 434
Heretikes 1 w 443
to 4 w 446
frequent 1 w 454
their 1 w 459
assemblies 1 w 469
to 5 w 472
be 2 w 474
present 1 w 481
at 7 w 483
their 2 w 488
Sermons 1 w 495
Truly 1 w 501
wee 2 w 504
doe 1 w 507
vndoubtedly 1 w 518
beleeue 1 w 525
that 2 w 530
they 1 w 534
which 2 w 539
with 2 w 543
so 1 w 545
great 2 w 550
constancie 1 w 560
and 4 w 563
fortitude 1 w 572
haue 4 w 577
hitherto 1 w 585
indured 1 w 592
most 2 w 596
cruell 1 w 602
persecutions 1 w 614
and 5 w 617
almost 1 w 623
infinite 1 w 631
miseries 1 w 639
that 3 w 644
they 2 w 648
may 1 w 651
walke 1 w 656
without 1 w 663
spot 1 w 667
in 10 w 669
the 9 w 672
Law 1 w 675
of 4 w 677
the 10 w 680
Lord 1 w 684
will 1 w 689
neuer 1 w 694
suffer 1 w 700
themselves 1 w 710
to 7 w 712
be 4 w 714
defiled 1 w 721
with 4 w 725
the 12 w 728
communion 1 w 737
of 5 w 739
those 1 w 744
that 4 w 748
haue 5 w 752
forsaken 1 w 760
the 13 w 763
diuine 1 w 769
Law 2 w 772
Yet 1 w 776
notwithstanding 1 w 791
being 1 w 797
compelled 2 w 806
by 3 w 808
the 14 w 811
zeale 1 w 816
of 6 w 818
our 2 w 821
Pastorall 1 w 830
Office 1 w 836
and 7 w 840
by 4 w 842
our 3 w 845
Fatherly 1 w 853
care 1 w 857
which 3 w 862
we 4 w 864
doe 2 w 867
continually 2 w 878
take 1 w 882
for 6 w 885
the 16 w 888
saluation 1 w 897
of 7 w 899
your 1 w 903
soules 1 w 909
we 5 w 912
are 4 w 915
inforced 1 w 923
to 9 w 925
admonish 1 w 933
and 8 w 936
desire 1 w 942
you 4 w 945
that 5 w 950
by 5 w 952
no 2 w 954
meanes 1 w 960
you 5 w 963
come 1 w 967
unto 1 w 971
the 17 w 974
Churches 2 w 982
of 8 w 984
the 18 w 987
Heretickes 1 w 997
or 12 w 1000
hear 2 w 1004
their 3 w 1009
Sermons 2 w 1016
or 13 w 1019
communicate 1 w 1030
with 6 w 1034
them 2 w 1038
in 16 w 1040
their 4 w 1045
Rites 1 w 1050
lest 1 w 1055
you 6 w 1058
incurre 1 w 1065
the 22 w 1068
wrath 1 w 1073
of 9 w 1075
God 1 w 1078
For 2 w 1082
these 1 w 1087
things 2 w 1093
may 2 w 1096
ye 3 w 1098
not 2 w 1101
doe 3 w 1104
without 2 w 1111
indamaging 1 w 1121
the 24 w 1124
worship 1 w 1131
of 10 w 1133
God 2 w 1136
and 9 w 1140
your 2 w 1144
owne 1 w 1148
sal- 1 w 1152
uation 2 w 1158
As 1 w 1161
likewise 1 w 1169
you 8 w 1172
cannot 1 w 1178
without 3 w 1186
most 4 w 1190
euident 1 w 1197
and 10 w 1200
grieuous 3 w 1208
wronging 1 w 1216
of 11 w 1218
Gods 1 w 1222
Honour 1 w 1228
bind 1 w 1233
your 3 w 1237
selues 1 w 1243
by 6 w 1245
the 25 w 1248
Oath 1 w 1252
which 4 w 1258
in 23 w 1260
like 3 w 1264
maner 1 w 1269
we 6 w 1271
haue 6 w 1275
heard 2 w 1280
with 9 w 1284
very 1 w 1288
great 3 w 1293
griefe 2 w 1299
of 12 w 1301
our 8 w 1304
heart 1 w 1309
is 7 w 1311
administred 1 w 1322
vnto 1 w 1326
you 10 w 1329
of 13 w 1332
the 26 w 1335
tenor 1 w 1340
vnder-written 1 w 1353
viz 1 w 1357
I 4 w 1359
A 5 w 1360
B 4 w 1362
doe 4 w 1366
trewly 1 w 1372
and 11 w 1375
sincerely 1 w 1384
acknowledge 1 w 1395
professe 1 w 1404
testifie 1 w 1413
and 12 w 1416
declare 1 w 1423
in 26 w 1425
my 1 w 1427
conscience 1 w 1437
before 2 w 1443
God 4 w 1446
and 13 w 1449
the 27 w 1452
world 1 w 1457
That 1 w 1462
our 9 w 1465
Soueraigne 1 w 1475
Lord 2 w 1479
King 1 w 1483
IAMES 1 w 1488
is 9 w 1491
lawfull 1 w 1498
King 2 w 1502
of 15 w 1504
this 2 w 1508
Realme 1 w 1514
and 14 w 1518
of 16 w 1520
all 6 w 1523
other 1 w 1528
his 3 w 1531
Maiesties 1 w 1540
Dominions 1 w 1549
and 15 w 1552
Coun- 1 w 1557
treyes 1 w 1563
And 1 w 1567
that 6 w 1571
the 29 w 1574
Pope 1 w 1578
neither 1 w 1585
of 17 w 1587
himselfe 1 w 1595
nor 2 w 1599
by 7 w 1601
any 1 w 1604
authority 1 w 1613
of 18 w 1615
the 31 w 1618
Church 3 w 1624
or 22 w 1626
Sea 1 w 1629
of 19 w 1631
Rome 1 w 1635
or 23 w 1638
by 8 w 1640
any 2 w 1643
other 2 w 1648
meanes 2 w 1654
with 10 w 1658
any 3 w 1661
other 3 w 1666
hath 1 w 1671
any 4 w 1674
power 1 w 1679
or 24 w 1681
au- 1 w 1684
thoritie 1 w 1692
to 12 w 1694
depose 1 w 1700
the 34 w 1703
King 3 w 1707
or 26 w 1710
to 13 w 1712
dispose 1 w 1719
of 20 w 1721
any 5 w 1724
of 21 w 1726
his 4 w 1729
Maiesties 2 w 1738
Kingdomes 1 w 1747
or 27 w 1749
Dominions 2 w 1758
or 28 w 1761
to 14 w 1763
authorize 1 w 1772
any 6 w 1775
forreigne 1 w 1784
Prince 1 w 1790
to 15 w 1792
inuade 1 w 1798
or 31 w 1800
annoy 1 w 1805
him 2 w 1808
or 32 w 1810
his 5 w 1813
Countreys 1 w 1822
or 33 w 1825
to 16 w 1827
discharge 1 w 1836
any 7 w 1839
of 22 w 1841
his 6 w 1844
Subiects 1 w 1852
of 23 w 1854
their 5 w 1859
Allegiance 1 w 1869
and 16 w 1872
obedience 1 w 1881
to 17 w 1883
his 7 w 1886
Maiestie 3 w 1894
or 34 w 1897
to 18 w 1899
giue 1 w 1903
Licence 1 w 1910
or 35 w 1912
leaue 1 w 1917
to 19 w 1919
any 8 w 1922
of 24 w 1924
them 3 w 1928
to 20 w 1930
beare 1 w 1935
Armes 1 w 1940
raise 1 w 1946
tumults 1 w 1953
or 36 w 1956
to 21 w 1958
offer 1 w 1963
any 9 w 1966
violence 1 w 1974
or 37 w 1976
hurt 1 w 1980
to 22 w 1982
his 8 w 1985
Maiesties 3 w 1994
Royall 1 w 2000
Person 1 w 2006
State 1 w 2012
or 38 w 2014
Gouernment 1 w 2024
or 39 w 2027
to 23 w 2029
any 10 w 2032
of 26 w 2034
his 9 w 2037
Maiesties 4 w 2046
subiects 1 w 2054
within 1 w 2060
his 10 w 2063
Maiesties 5 w 2072
Dominions 3 w 2081
Also 1 w 2086
I 6 w 2087
doe 5 w 2090
sweare 1 w 2096
from 1 w 2100
my 2 w 2102
heart 2 w 2107
that 7 w 2112
notwithstanding 2 w 2128
any 11 w 2131
declaration 1 w 2142
or 40 w 2144
sentence 1 w 2152
of 27 w 2154
Excommunication 1 w 2169
or 41 w 2172
depriuation 1 w 2183
made 1 w 2187
or 42 w 2189
granted 1 w 2196
or 43 w 2199
to 24 w 2201
be 9 w 2203
made 2 w 2207
or 44 w 2209
granted 2 w 2216
by 9 w 2219
the 37 w 2222
Pope 2 w 2226
or 45 w 2228
his 11 w 2231
successors 1 w 2241
or 47 w 2244
by 10 w 2246
any 12 w 2249
Authoritie 1 w 2259
deriued 1 w 2266
or 49 w 2269
pretended 1 w 2278
to 25 w 2280
be 10 w 2282
deriued 2 w 2289
from 2 w 2293
him 3 w 2296
or 50 w 2298
his 12 w 2301
Sea 2 w 2304
against 1 w 2312
the 38 w 2315
said 1 w 2319
King 5 w 2323
his 13 w 2327
heires 1 w 2333
or 51 w 2335
successors 2 w 2345
or 53 w 2348
any 13 w 2351
absolution 1 w 2361
of 28 w 2363
the 39 w 2366
said 2 w 2370
subiects 2 w 2378
from 3 w 2382
their 6 w 2387
obedience 2 w 2396
I 7 w 2398
will 2 w 2402
beare 2 w 2407
faith 1 w 2412
and 18 w 2415
trew 2 w 2419
Allegiance 2 w 2429
to 26 w 2431
his 14 w 2434
Maiestie 7 w 2442
his 15 w 2446
heires 2 w 2452
and 19 w 2455
successors 3 w 2465
and 20 w 2469
him 4 w 2472
and 21 w 2475
them 4 w 2479
will 3 w 2483
defend 1 w 2489
to 27 w 2491
the 42 w 2494
vttermost 1 w 2503
of 29 w 2505
my 3 w 2507
power 2 w 2512
against 2 w 2520
all 8 w 2523
conspiracies 1 w 2535
and 22 w 2538
attempts 1 w 2546
what- 1 w 2551
soeuer 1 w 2557
which 5 w 2563
shalbe 1 w 2569
made 3 w 2573
against 3 w 2580
his 16 w 2583
or 55 w 2585
their 7 w 2590
Persons 1 w 2597
their 8 w 2603
Crowne 1 w 2609
and 23 w 2612
dignitie 1 w 2620
by 11 w 2623
reason 1 w 2629
or 56 w 2631
colour 1 w 2637
of 30 w 2639
any 14 w 2642
such 1 w 2646
sentence 2 w 2654
or 57 w 2657
declaration 2 w 2668
or 58 w 2671
otherwise 1 w 2680
and 24 w 2684
will 4 w 2688
doe 6 w 2691
my 4 w 2693
best 1 w 2697
endeuour 1 w 2705
to 28 w 2707
disclose 1 w 2715
and 25 w 2718
make 1 w 2722
knowne 1 w 2728
vnto 2 w 2732
his 17 w 2735
Maiestie 8 w 2743
his 18 w 2747
heires 3 w 2753
and 26 w 2756
successors 4 w 2766
all 9 w 2770
Treasons 1 w 2778
and 27 w 2781
traiterous 1 w 2791
conspiracies 2 w 2803
which 6 w 2809
I 8 w 2810
shall 1 w 2815
know 3 w 2819
or 60 w 2821
heare 1 w 2826
of 31 w 2828
to 30 w 2831
be 15 w 2833
against 4 w 2840
him 5 w 2843
or 61 w 2845
any 15 w 2848
of 32 w 2850
them 5 w 2854
And 2 w 2858
I 9 w 2859
doe 7 w 2862
further 1 w 2869
sweare 2 w 2875
That 2 w 2880
I 10 w 2881
doe 8 w 2884
from 4 w 2888
my 5 w 2890
heart 3 w 2895
abhorre 1 w 2902
detest 1 w 2909
and 28 w 2912
abiure 1 w 2918
as 8 w 2920
impious 1 w 2927
and 29 w 2930
Hereticall 1 w 2940
this 3 w 2945
damnable 1 w 2953
doctrine 1 w 2961
and 30 w 2964
position 1 w 2972
That 3 w 2977
Princes 1 w 2984
which 7 w 2989
be 16 w 2991
excommunicated 1 w 3005
or 63 w 3007
depriued 1 w 3015
by 12 w 3017
the 48 w 3020
Pope 3 w 3024
may 3 w 3028
be 17 w 3030
deposed 1 w 3037
or 64 w 3039
murthered 1 w 3048
by 13 w 3050
their 9 w 3055
Subiects 2 w 3063
or 65 w 3065
any 16 w 3068
other 5 w 3073
whatsoeuer 1 w 3083
And 3 w 3087
I 11 w 3088
doe 9 w 3091
beleeue 2 w 3098
and 31 w 3102
in 45 w 3104
conscience 2 w 3114
am 4 w 3116
resolued 1 w 3124
that 8 w 3129
neither 2 w 3136
the 53 w 3139
Pope 4 w 3143
nor 3 w 3146
any 17 w 3149
person 1 w 3155
whatsoeuer 2 w 3165
hath 2 w 3170
power 3 w 3175
to 31 w 3177
absolue 1 w 3184
me 11 w 3186
of 33 w 3188
this 4 w 3192
Oath 2 w 3196
or 67 w 3199
any 18 w 3202
part 1 w 3206
thereof 1 w 3213
which 8 w 3219
I 12 w 3220
acknowledge 2 w 3231
by 14 w 3233
good 1 w 3237
and 32 w 3240
full 3 w 3244
authoritie 1 w 3254
to 32 w 3256
bee 1 w 3259
lawfully 1 w 3267
ministred 2 w 3276
vnto 3 w 3280
mee 1 w 3283
and 33 w 3287
doe 10 w 3290
renounce 1 w 3298
all 12 w 3301
Pardons 1 w 3308
and 34 w 3311
Dispensations 1 w 3324
to 34 w 3326
the 55 w 3329
contrarie 1 w 3338
And 4 w 3342
all 13 w 3345
these 2 w 3350
things 3 w 3356
I 13 w 3357
doe 11 w 3360
plainely 1 w 3368
and 35 w 3371
sincerely 2 w 3380
acknowledge 3 w 3391
and 36 w 3394
sweare 3 w 3400
according 1 w 3410
to 35 w 3412
these 3 w 3417
expresse 1 w 3425
words 1 w 3430
by 15 w 3432
me 13 w 3434
spoken 1 w 3440
and 37 w 3444
according 2 w 3453
to 36 w 3455
the 58 w 3458
plaine 2 w 3464
and 38 w 3467
common 1 w 3473
sense 1 w 3478
and 39 w 3481
vnderstanding 1 w 3494
of 35 w 3496
the 59 w 3499
same 1 w 3503
words 2 w 3508
without 4 w 3516
any 19 w 3519
Equiuocation 1 w 3531
or 73 w 3534
mentall 1 w 3541
euasion 1 w 3548
or 74 w 3551
secret 1 w 3557
reseruation 1 w 3568
whatsoeuer 3 w 3578
And 5 w 3582
I 14 w 3583
do 16 w 3585
make 2 w 3589
this 5 w 3593
Recognition 1 w 3604
and 41 w 3607
acknowledgment 1 w 3621
heartily 1 w 3629
willingly 1 w 3639
and 42 w 3643
trewly 2 w 3649
vpon 1 w 3654
the 60 w 3657
trew 4 w 3661
faith 2 w 3666
of 36 w 3668
a 250 w 3669
Christian 1 w 3678
So 3 w 3681
helpe 1 w 3686
me 17 w 3688
GOD 1 w 3691
Which 1 w 3697
things 4 w 3703
since 3 w 3708
they 3 w 3712
are 12 w 3715
thus 1 w 3719
it 33 w 3722
must 1 w 3726
euidently 1 w 3735
appeare 1 w 3742
vnto 4 w 3746
you 11 w 3749
by 16 w 3751
the 62 w 3754
words 3 w 3759
themselues 1 w 3769
That 4 w 3774
such 2 w 3778
an 73 w 3780
Oath 3 w 3784
cannot 2 w 3790
be 20 w 3792
taken 1 w 3797
without 5 w 3804
hurting 1 w 3811
of 37 w 3813
the 64 w 3816
Catholike 2 w 3825
Faith 2 w 3830
and 43 w 3833
the 65 w 3836
saluation 2 w 3845
of 38 w 3847
your 4 w 3851
soules 2 w 3857
seeing 1 w 3864
it 36 w 3866
conteines 1 w 3875
many 1 w 3879
things 5 w 3885
which 9 w 3890
are 14 w 3893
flat 1 w 3897
con- 1 w 3901
trary 1 w 3906
to 38 w 3908
Faith 3 w 3913
and 44 w 3916
saluation 3 w 3925
Wherefore 1 w 3935
wee 3 w 3938
doe 12 w 3941
admonish 2 w 3949
you 13 w 3952
that 9 w 3957
you 14 w 3960
doe 13 w 3963
vtterly 1 w 3970
abstainefrom 1 w 3982
taking 1 w 3988
this 6 w 3992
and 45 w 3995
the 66 w 3998
like 5 w 4002
Oathes 1 w 4008
which 10 w 4014
thing 6 w 4019
wee 4 w 4022
doe 14 w 4025
the 68 w 4028
more 2 w 4032
earnestly 1 w 4041
require 1 w 4048
of 39 w 4050
you 15 w 4053
because 1 w 4061
wee 5 w 4064
haue 7 w 4068
experience 1 w 4078
of 40 w 4080
the 69 w 4083
constancie 2 w 4093
of 41 w 4095
your 5 w 4099
faith 3 w 4104
which 11 w 4110
is 40 w 4112
tried 1 w 4117
like 6 w 4121
gold 1 w 4125
in 64 w 4127
the 70 w 4130
fire 1 w 4134
of 42 w 4136
perpetuall 1 w 4146
tribulation 2 w 4157
Wee 1 w 4161
doe 15 w 4164
well 1 w 4168
know 7 w 4172
that 10 w 4177
you 17 w 4180
will 6 w 4184
cheerfully 1 w 4194
vnder-goe 1 w 4203
all 16 w 4206
kinde 1 w 4211
of 43 w 4213
cruell 2 w 4219
torments 1 w 4227
whatsoeuer 4 w 4237
yea 1 w 4241
and 46 w 4244
constantly 1 w 4254
endure 1 w 4260
death 1 w 4265
itselfe 1 w 4272
rather 1 w 4279
then 1 w 4283
you 18 w 4286
will 7 w 4290
in 66 w 4292
any 21 w 4295
thing 7 w 4300
offend 1 w 4306
the 73 w 4309
Maiestie 9 w 4317
of 45 w 4319
God 5 w 4322
And 6 w 4326
this 7 w 4330
our 14 w 4333
confidence 1 w 4343
is 42 w 4345
confirmed 1 w 4354
by 17 w 4356
those 2 w 4361
things 6 w 4367
which 12 w 4373
are 15 w 4376
dayly 1 w 4381
reported 1 w 4389
vnto 5 w 4393
vs 2 w 4395
of 46 w 4398
the 74 w 4401
singular 1 w 4409
vertue 1 w 4415
valour 1 w 4422
and 47 w 4426
fortitude 2 w 4435
which 13 w 4440
in 70 w 4442
these 4 w 4447
last 1 w 4451
times 1 w 4456
doeth 1 w 4461
no 20 w 4463
lesse 1 w 4468
shine 1 w 4473
in 72 w 4475
your 6 w 4479
Martyrs 1 w 4486
then 2 w 4491
it 41 w 4493
did 1 w 4496
in 73 w 4498
the 77 w 4501
first 1 w 4506
beginning 1 w 4515
of 47 w 4517
the 78 w 4520
Church 4 w 4526
Stand 1 w 4532
therefore 1 w 4541
your 7 w 4546
loynes 1 w 4552
being 2 w 4557
girt 1 w 4561
about 1 w 4566
with 15 w 4570
veritie 1 w 4577
and 49 w 4581
hauing 1 w 4587
on 56 w 4589
the 80 w 4592
brest-plate 1 w 4603
of 48 w 4605
righteousness 1 w 4618
taking 2 w 4625
the 81 w 4628
shield 1 w 4634
of 49 w 4636
Faith 4 w 4641
be 24 w 4644
ye 6 w 4646
strong 1 w 4652
in 79 w 4654
the 82 w 4657
Lord 3 w 4661
and 50 w 4665
in 80 w 4667
the 83 w 4670
power 4 w 4675
of 50 w 4677
his 24 w 4680
might 1 w 4685
And 7 w 4689
let 1 w 4692
nothing 1 w 4699
hinder 1 w 4705
you 21 w 4708
Hee 1 w 4712
which 14 w 4717
will 8 w 4721
crowne 1 w 4727
you 22 w 4730
and 51 w 4734
doeth 2 w 4739
in 83 w 4741
Heauen 1 w 4747
behold 1 w 4753
your 8 w 4757
conflicts 1 w 4766
willfinish 1 w 4777
the 84 w 4780
good 2 w 4784
worke 1 w 4789
which 15 w 4794
hee 2 w 4797
hath 3 w 4801
begun 1 w 4806
in 85 w 4808
you 24 w 4811
You 1 w 4815
know 8 w 4819
how 2 w 4822
hee 3 w 4825
hath 4 w 4829
promised 1 w 4837
his 25 w 4840
disciples 1 w 4849
that 11 w 4854
hee 4 w 4857
will 10 w 4861
neuer 2 w 4866
leaue 2 w 4871
them 7 w 4875
Orphanes 1 w 4883
for 13 w 4887
hee 5 w 4890
is 48 w 4892
faithfull 1 w 4901
which 16 w 4906
hath 5 w 4910
promised 2 w 4918
Hold 1 w 4923
fast 1 w 4927
therefore 2 w 4936
his 26 w 4939
correction 1 w 4949
that 12 w 4954
is 51 w 4956
being 3 w 4962
rooted 1 w 4968
and 52 w 4971
grounded 1 w 4979
in 87 w 4981
Charitie 1 w 4989
whatsoeuer 5 w 5000
ye 7 w 5002
doe 18 w 5005
whatsoeuer 6 w 5016
ye 8 w 5018
indeuour 1 w 5026
doe 19 w 5030
it 47 w 5032
with 16 w 5036
one 1 w 5039
accord 3 w 5045
in 89 w 5048
simplicitie 1 w 5059
of 51 w 5061
heart 5 w 5066
in 90 w 5069
meekenesse 1 w 5079
of 52 w 5081
Spirit 1 w 5087
without 6 w 5095
murmuring 1 w 5104
or 88 w 5106
doubt- 1 w 5112
ing 35 w 5115
For 3 w 5119
by 18 w 5121
this 8 w 5125
doe 20 w 5128
all 17 w 5131
men 6 w 5134
know 9 w 5138
that 13 w 5142
we 18 w 5144
are 16 w 5147
the 87 w 5150
disciples 2 w 5159
of 53 w 5161
Christ 2 w 5167
if 2 w 5170
we 19 w 5172
haue 8 w 5176
loue 1 w 5180
one 2 w 5183
to 41 w 5185
another 1 w 5192
Which 2 w 5198
charitie 1 w 5206
as 12 w 5209
it 53 w 5211
is 55 w 5213
very 2 w 5217
greatly 1 w 5224
to 42 w 5226
be 28 w 5228
desired 1 w 5235
of 54 w 5237
all 18 w 5240
faithfull 2 w 5249
Christians 1 w 5259
So 4 w 5262
certainely 1 w 5272
it 55 w 5274
is 57 w 5276
altogether 1 w 5286
necessary 1 w 5295
for 15 w 5298
you 25 w 5301
most 6 w 5306
blessed 1 w 5313
sonnes 1 w 5319
For 4 w 5323
by 19 w 5325
this 9 w 5329
your 9 w 5333
charitie 2 w 5341
the 90 w 5345
power 5 w 5350
of 55 w 5352
the 91 w 5355
diuel 1 w 5360
is 59 w 5362
weakened 1 w 5370
who 1 w 5374
doeth 3 w 5379
so 25 w 5381
much 2 w 5385
assaile 1 w 5392
you 27 w 5395
since 4 w 5401
that 14 w 5405
power 6 w 5410
of 56 w 5412
his 29 w 5415
is 61 w 5417
especially 1 w 5427
vpheld 1 w 5433
by 20 w 5435
the 92 w 5438
contentions 1 w 5449
and 53 w 5452
disagreement 1 w 5464
of 57 w 5466
our 21 w 5469
sonnes 2 w 5475
Wee 2 w 5479
exhort 1 w 5485
you 28 w 5488
therefore 3 w 5497
by 21 w 5499
the 94 w 5502
bowels 1 w 5508
of 58 w 5510
our 22 w 5513
Lord 4 w 5517
Iesvs 1 w 5522
Chirst 1 w 5528
by 22 w 5531
whose 1 w 5536
loue 2 w 5540
we 24 w 5542
are 17 w 5545
taken 2 w 5550
out 8 w 5553
of 59 w 5555
the 95 w 5558
iawes 1 w 5563
of 60 w 5565
eternall 1 w 5573
death 2 w 5578
That 5 w 5583
above 1 w 5588
all 21 w 5591
things 7 w 5597
you 29 w 5601
would 1 w 5606
haue 9 w 5610
mutuall 1 w 5617
charitie 3 w 5625
among 1 w 5630
you 30 w 5633
Surely 1 w 5640
Pope 5 w 5644
Clement 1 w 5651
the 96 w 5654
eight 1 w 5659
of 61 w 5661
happy 1 w 5666
memory 1 w 5672
hath 6 w 5677
giuen 1 w 5682
you 31 w 5685
most 7 w 5689
profitable 1 w 5699
precepts 1 w 5707
of 63 w 5709
practising 1 w 5719
brotherly 1 w 5728
charitie 4 w 5736
one 3 w 5739
to 44 w 5741
another 2 w 5748
in 97 w 5751
his 30 w 5754
Letters 1 w 5761
in 98 w 5763
forme 1 w 5768
of 64 w 5770
a 369 w 5771
Breue 1 w 5776
to 45 w 5779
our 23 w 5782
welbeloued 1 w 5792
sonne 3 w 5797
M 12 w 5798
George 1 w 5805
Arch-priest 1 w 5816
of 65 w 5818
the 99 w 5821
Kingdome 2 w 5829
of 66 w 5831
England 1 w 5838
dated 1 w 5844
the 100 w 5847
5 1 w 5848
day 2 w 5852
of 67 w 5854
the 101 w 5857
month 1 w 5862
of 68 w 5864
October 1 w 5871
1602 1 w 5875
Put 1 w 5879
them 8 w 5883
therefore 4 w 5892
diligently 1 w 5902
in 100 w 5904
practise 1 w 5912
and 55 w 5916
be 31 w 5918
not 9 w 5921
hindered 1 w 5929
by 23 w 5931
any 22 w 5934
difficultie 1 w 5945
or 99 w 5947
doubtfulnesse 1 w 5960
We 3 w 5963
command 1 w 5970
you 32 w 5973
that 15 w 5977
ye 9 w 5979
doe 22 w 5982
exactly 1 w 5989
obserue 1 w 5996
the 104 w 5999
words 4 w 6004
of 69 w 6006
those 3 w 6011
letters 1 w 6018
and 57 w 6022
that 16 w 6026
yee 2 w 6029
take 4 w 6033
and 58 w 6036
vnderstand 3 w 6046
them 9 w 6050
simply 1 w 6056
as 14 w 6058
they 4 w 6062
sound 1 w 6067
and 60 w 6071
as 15 w 6073
they 5 w 6077
lie 2 w 6080
all 23 w 6084
power 7 w 6089
to 47 w 6091
interpret 1 w 6100
them 10 w 6104
otherwise 2 w 6113
being 4 w 6119
taken 3 w 6124
away 1 w 6128
In 1 w 6131
the 110 w 6134
meane 3 w 6139
while 1 w 6144
we 28 w 6147
will 11 w 6151
neuer 3 w 6156
cease 1 w 6161
to 48 w 6163
pray 1 w 6167
to 49 w 6169
the 111 w 6172
Father 2 w 6178
of 70 w 6180
Mercies 1 w 6187
that 17 w 6192
he 137 w 6194
would 2 w 6199
with 18 w 6203
pitie 1 w 6208
behold 2 w 6214
your 10 w 6218
afflictions 1 w 6229
and 61 w 6232
your 11 w 6236
paines 1 w 6242
And 8 w 6246
that 18 w 6250
he 138 w 6252
would 3 w 6257
keepe 1 w 6262
and 62 w 6265
defend 2 w 6271
you 35 w 6274
with 19 w 6278
his 31 w 6281
continuall 3 w 6291
protection 1 w 6301
whom 1 w 6306
wee 6 w 6309
doe 23 w 6312
gently 2 w 6318
greet 1 w 6323
with 20 w 6327
our 26 w 6330
Apostolicall 2 w 6342
Benediction 2 w 6353
Dated 1 w 6359
at 77 w 6361
Rome 2 w 6365
at 78 w 6367
S 20 w 6368
Marke 1 w 6374
vnder 6 w 6380
the 113 w 6383
Signet 1 w 6389
of 71 w 6391
the 114 w 6394
Fisherman 1 w 6403
the 115 w 6407
tenth 1 w 6412
of 72 w 6414
the 116 w 6417
Calends 1 w 6424
of 73 w 6426
October 2 w 6433
1606 1 w 6438
the 117 w 6442
second 1 w 6448
yeere 1 w 6453
of 74 w 6455
our 27 w 6458
Popedome 1 w 6466