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CTS Library / The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance

The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance (1)

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WHAT a monstrous, rare, nay neuer heard-of Treacherous attempt, was plotted within these few yeeres here in England, for the destruction of Mee, my Bed-fellow, and our posteritie, the whole house of Parliament, and a great number of good subjects of all sorts and degrees; is so famous already through the whole world by the infamie thereof, as it is needlesse to bee repeated or pub- lished any more; the horrour of the sinne it selfe doeth so lowdly proclaime it. For if those crying sinnes, (whereof mention is made in the Scripture)[*]haue that epithet giuen them for their publique infamie, and for procuring as it were with a lowd cry from heauen a iust vengeance and recompense, and yet those sinnes are both old and too common, neither the world, nor any one Countrey being euer at any time cleane voyd of them: If those sinnes (I say) are said in the Scripture to cry so lowd; What then must this sinne doe, plotted without cause, infinite in crueltie, and singular from all examples ? What proceeded hereupon is likewise notorious to the whole world; our Iustice onely taking hold vpon the offenders, and that in as honourable and publique a forme of Triall, as euer was vsed in this Kingdome.

2. For although the onely reason they gaue for plotting so heinous an attempt, was the zeale they caried to the Romish Religion; yet were neuer any other of that profession the worse vsed for that cause, as by our gracious Proclamation immediatly after the discouery of the said fact doeth plainly appeare: onely at the next sitting downe againe of the Parliament, there were Lawes made, setting downe some such orders as were thought fit for preuenting the like mischiefe in time to come. Amongst which a forme of OATH was framed to be taken by my Subiects, whereby they should make a cleare profession of their resolution, faith- fully to persist in their obedience vnto mee, according to their naturall allegiance; To the end that I might hereby make a separation, not onely betweene all my good Subiets in generall, and vnfathfull Traitors, that intended to withdraw themselues from my obedience; But specially to make a separation betweene so many of my Subiects, who although they were otherwise Popishly affected, yet retained in their hearts the print of their naturall dutie to their Soueraigne; and those who being caried away with the like fanaticall zeale that the Powder- Traitors were, could not conteine themselues within the bounds of their naturall Allegiance, but thought diuersitie of religion a safe pretext for all kinde of trea-

sons, and rebellions against their Soueraigne. Which godly and wise intent, God did blesse with successe accordingly: For very many of my Subiects that were Popishly affected, aswell Priests, as Layicks, did freely take the same Oath: whereby they both gaue me occasion to thinke the better of their fidelitie, and likewise freed themselues of that heauie slander, that although they were fellow professors of one Religion with the powder-Traitors, yet were they not ioyned with them in treasonable courses against their Soueraigne; whereby all quietly minded Papists were put of despaire, and I gaue a good proofe that I intended no persecution against them for conscience cause, but onely desired to be secured of them for ciuill obedience, which for conscience cause they were bound to performe.

3. But the diuel could not haue deuised a more malicious tricke for interrupting this so calme and clement a course, then fell out by the sending hither, and publish- ing a Breue of the Popes, countermanding all them of his profession to take this Oath; Thereby sowing new seeds of ielousie betweene me and my Popish Subiects, by stirring them vp to disobey that lawfull commandement of their Soueraigne, which was ordeined to bee taken of them as a pledge of their fidelitie; And so by their refusall of so iust a charge, to giue mee so great and iust a ground for punishment of them, without touching any matter of conscience: throwing themselues needlesly into one of these desperate straits; either with the losse of their lives and goods to renounce their Allegiance to their naturall Soueraigne; or else to procure the condemnation of their soules by renouncing the Catholicke faith, as he alleadgeth.

4. And on the other part, although disparitie of Religion (the Pope being head of the contrary part) can permit no intelligence nor intercourse of messengers betweene mee and the Pope: yet there being no denounced warre betweene vs, he hath by this action broken the rules of common ciuilitie and iustice between Christian Princes, in thus condemning me vnheard, both by accounting me a perse- cutor, which cannot be but implied by exhorting the Papists to endure Martyrdome; as likewise by so straitly commanding all those of his profession in England, to refuse the taking of this Oath; thereby refusing to professe their naturall obedience to me their Soueraigne. For if he thinke himselfe my lawfull Iudge, wherefore hath he condemned me vnheard ? And, if he haue nothing to doe with me and my gouern- ment (as indeed he hath not) why doeth he mittere falcem in alienam messem, to meddle betweene me and my Subiects, especially in matters that meerely and onely concerne ciuill obedience ? And yet could Pius Quintus in his greatest fury and auowed quarrell against the late Queene, doe no more iniurie vnto her; then hee hath in this case offered vnto mee, without so much as a pretended or an alleadged cause. For what difference there is, betweene the commanding Subiects to rebell, and loosing them from their Oath of Allegiance as Pius Quintus did; and the commanding of Subiects not to obey in making profession of their Oath of their dutifull Allegiance, as this Pope hath now done: no man can easily discerne.

5. But to draw neere vnto his Breue, wherein certainely hee hath taken more paines then he needed, by setting downe in the said Breue the whole body of the

Oath at length; whereas the onely naming of the Title thereof might as well haue serued, for any answere hee hath made thereunto (making Vna litura, that is, the flat and generall condemnation of the whole Oath to serue for all his refuta- tion.) Therein hauing as well in this respect as in the former, dealt both vndiscreetly with me, and iniuriously with his owne Catholickes. With mee; in not refuting particularly what speciall words he quarrelled in that Oath; which if hee had done, it might haue beene that for the fatherly care I haue not to put any of my Subiects to a needlesse extremitie, I might haue beene contented in some sort to haue reformed or interpreted those wordes. With his owne Catho- lickes: for either if I had so done, they had beene thereby fully eased in that businesse; or at least if I would not haue condescended to haue altered any thing in the saide Oath, yet would thereby some appearance or shadow of excuse haue been left vnto them for refusing the same: not as seeming thereby to swarue from their Obedience and Allegiance vnto mee, but onely beeing stayed from taking the same vpon the scrupulous tendernesse of their consciences, in regard of those particular words which the Pope had noted and condemned therein.

And now let vs heare the words of his thunder.

THE 1 w 10
TWO 1 w 13
BREVES 1 w 19
OF 1 w 21
POPE 1 w 25
PAVLVS 1 w 31
QVINTVS 1 w 38
AND 1 w 42
THE 2 w 45
LATE 1 w 49
LETTER 1 w 55
OF 2 w 57
TO 1 w 78
G 2 w 79
THE 3 w 91
WHAT 1 w 107
a 1 w 108
monstrous 1 w 117
rare 1 w 122
nay 1 w 126
neuer 1 w 131
heard-of 1 w 139
Treacherous 1 w 150
attempt 1 w 157
was 1 w 161
plotted 1 w 168
within 1 w 174
these 1 w 179
few 1 w 182
yeeres 1 w 188
here 1 w 192
in 2 w 194
England 1 w 201
for 1 w 205
the 2 w 208
destruction 1 w 219
of 2 w 221
Mee 1 w 224
my 1 w 227
Bed-fellow 1 w 237
and 2 w 241
our 1 w 244
posteritie 1 w 254
the 3 w 258
whole 1 w 263
house 1 w 268
of 3 w 270
Parliament 1 w 280
and 3 w 284
a 13 w 285
great 1 w 290
number 1 w 296
of 4 w 298
good 1 w 302
subjects 1 w 310
of 5 w 312
all 1 w 315
sorts 1 w 320
and 4 w 323
degrees 1 w 330
is 1 w 333
so 2 w 335
famous 1 w 341
already 1 w 348
through 1 w 355
the 4 w 358
whole 2 w 363
world 1 w 368
by 1 w 370
the 5 w 373
infamie 1 w 380
thereof 1 w 387
as 2 w 390
it 3 w 392
is 2 w 394
needlesse 1 w 403
to 1 w 405
bee 1 w 408
repeated 1 w 416
or 4 w 418
pub- 1 w 422
lished 1 w 428
any 1 w 431
more 1 w 435
the 7 w 439
horrour 1 w 446
of 7 w 448
the 8 w 451
sinne 1 w 456
it 4 w 458
selfe 1 w 463
doeth 1 w 468
so 3 w 470
lowdly 1 w 476
proclaime 1 w 485
it 5 w 487
For 1 w 491
if 1 w 493
those 1 w 498
crying 1 w 504
sinnes 1 w 510
whereof 1 w 519
mention 1 w 526
is 4 w 528
made 1 w 532
in 7 w 534
the 9 w 537
Scripture 1 w 546
Gen 1 w 550
4 1 w 552
10 1 w 555
haue 1 w 560
that 1 w 564
epithet 1 w 571
giuen 1 w 576
them 1 w 580
for 2 w 583
their 1 w 588
publique 1 w 596
infamie 2 w 603
and 5 w 607
for 3 w 610
procuring 1 w 619
as 3 w 621
it 7 w 623
were 1 w 627
with 2 w 631
a 31 w 632
lowd 2 w 636
cry 2 w 639
from 1 w 643
heauen 1 w 649
a 33 w 650
iust 1 w 654
vengeance 1 w 663
and 6 w 666
recompense 1 w 676
and 7 w 680
yet 1 w 683
those 2 w 688
sinnes 2 w 694
are 2 w 697
both 1 w 701
old 1 w 704
and 8 w 707
too 1 w 710
common 1 w 716
neither 1 w 724
the 14 w 727
world 2 w 732
nor 1 w 736
any 2 w 739
one 1 w 742
Countrey 1 w 750
being 1 w 755
euer 2 w 759
at 5 w 761
any 3 w 764
time 1 w 768
cleane 1 w 774
voyd 1 w 778
of 9 w 780
them 2 w 784
If 1 w 787
those 3 w 792
sinnes 3 w 798
I 7 w 800
say 1 w 803
are 3 w 807
said 1 w 811
in 13 w 813
the 16 w 816
Scripture 2 w 825
to 3 w 827
cry 3 w 830
so 4 w 832
lowd 3 w 836
What 1 w 841
then 1 w 845
must 1 w 849
this 1 w 853
sinne 5 w 858
doe 2 w 861
plotted 2 w 869
without 1 w 876
cause 1 w 881
infinite 1 w 890
in 17 w 892
crueltie 1 w 900
and 9 w 904
singular 1 w 912
from 2 w 916
all 2 w 919
examples 1 w 927
What 2 w 932
proceeded 1 w 941
hereupon 1 w 949
is 6 w 951
likewise 1 w 959
notorious 1 w 968
to 5 w 970
the 18 w 973
whole 3 w 978
world 3 w 983
our 3 w 987
Iustice 1 w 994
onely 1 w 999
taking 1 w 1005
hold 1 w 1009
vpon 1 w 1013
the 19 w 1016
offenders 1 w 1025
and 10 w 1029
that 2 w 1033
in 20 w 1035
as 4 w 1037
honourable 1 w 1047
and 11 w 1050
publique 2 w 1058
a 59 w 1059
forme 1 w 1064
of 11 w 1066
Triall 1 w 1072
as 5 w 1075
euer 3 w 1079
was 2 w 1082
vsed 1 w 1086
in 21 w 1088
this 2 w 1092
Kingdome 1 w 1100
2 1 w 1102
For 2 w 1106
although 1 w 1114
the 20 w 1117
onely 2 w 1122
reason 1 w 1128
they 1 w 1132
gaue 1 w 1136
for 5 w 1139
plotting 1 w 1147
so 6 w 1149
heinous 1 w 1156
an 17 w 1158
attempt 2 w 1165
was 3 w 1169
the 22 w 1172
zeale 1 w 1177
they 2 w 1181
caried 1 w 1187
to 6 w 1189
the 24 w 1192
Romish 1 w 1198
Religion 1 w 1206
yet 2 w 1210
were 2 w 1214
neuer 2 w 1219
any 4 w 1222
other 1 w 1227
of 12 w 1229
that 3 w 1233
profession 1 w 1243
the 26 w 1246
worse 1 w 1251
vsed 2 w 1255
for 6 w 1258
that 4 w 1262
cause 2 w 1267
as 9 w 1270
by 2 w 1272
our 5 w 1275
gracious 1 w 1283
Proclamation 1 w 1295
immediatly 1 w 1305
after 1 w 1310
the 27 w 1313
discouery 1 w 1322
of 14 w 1324
the 28 w 1327
said 2 w 1331
fact 1 w 1335
doeth 2 w 1340
plainly 1 w 1347
appeare 1 w 1354
onely 3 w 1360
at 14 w 1362
the 29 w 1365
next 1 w 1369
sitting 1 w 1376
downe 1 w 1381
againe 1 w 1387
of 15 w 1389
the 30 w 1392
Parliament 2 w 1402
there 2 w 1408
were 3 w 1412
Lawes 1 w 1417
made 2 w 1421
setting 1 w 1429
downe 2 w 1434
some 1 w 1438
such 1 w 1442
orders 1 w 1448
as 10 w 1450
were 4 w 1454
thought 1 w 1461
fit 1 w 1464
for 7 w 1467
preuenting 1 w 1477
the 32 w 1480
like 2 w 1484
mischiefe 1 w 1493
in 30 w 1495
time 2 w 1499
to 7 w 1501
come 1 w 1505
Amongst 1 w 1513
which 1 w 1518
a 94 w 1519
forme 2 w 1524
of 16 w 1526
OATH 1 w 1530
was 4 w 1533
framed 1 w 1539
to 8 w 1541
be 4 w 1543
taken 1 w 1548
by 3 w 1550
my 2 w 1552
Subiects 1 w 1560
whereby 1 w 1568
they 3 w 1572
should 1 w 1578
make 1 w 1582
a 99 w 1583
cleare 1 w 1589
profession 2 w 1599
of 18 w 1601
their 2 w 1606
resolution 1 w 1616
faith- 1 w 1623
fully 1 w 1628
to 9 w 1630
persist 1 w 1637
in 31 w 1639
their 3 w 1644
obedience 1 w 1653
vnto 1 w 1657
mee 1 w 1660
according 1 w 1670
to 11 w 1672
their 4 w 1677
naturall 1 w 1685
allegiance 1 w 1695
To 1 w 1698
the 37 w 1701
end 2 w 1704
that 5 w 1708
I 9 w 1709
might 1 w 1714
hereby 2 w 1720
make 2 w 1724
a 109 w 1725
separation 1 w 1735
not 2 w 1739
onely 4 w 1744
betweene 1 w 1752
all 6 w 1755
my 3 w 1757
good 2 w 1761
Subiets 1 w 1768
in 33 w 1770
generall 1 w 1778
and 12 w 1782
vnfathfull 1 w 1792
Traitors 1 w 1800
that 6 w 1805
intended 1 w 1813
to 13 w 1815
withdraw 1 w 1823
themselues 1 w 1833
from 3 w 1837
my 4 w 1839
obedience 2 w 1848
But 1 w 1852
specially 1 w 1861
to 14 w 1863
make 3 w 1867
a 121 w 1868
separation 2 w 1878
betweene 2 w 1886
so 9 w 1888
many 1 w 1892
of 19 w 1894
my 5 w 1896
Subiects 2 w 1904
who 4 w 1908
although 2 w 1916
they 4 w 1920
were 5 w 1924
otherwise 1 w 1933
Popishly 1 w 1941
affected 1 w 1949
yet 3 w 1953
retained 1 w 1961
in 36 w 1963
their 5 w 1968
hearts 1 w 1974
the 42 w 1977
print 1 w 1982
of 20 w 1984
their 6 w 1989
naturall 2 w 1997
dutie 1 w 2002
to 15 w 2004
their 7 w 2009
Soueraigne 1 w 2019
and 13 w 2023
those 4 w 2028
who 5 w 2031
being 2 w 2036
caried 2 w 2042
away 1 w 2046
with 5 w 2050
the 45 w 2053
like 3 w 2057
fanaticall 1 w 2067
zeale 2 w 2072
that 7 w 2076
the 46 w 2079
Powder- 1 w 2086
Traitors 2 w 2094
were 6 w 2098
could 1 w 2104
not 3 w 2107
conteine 1 w 2115
themselues 2 w 2125
within 2 w 2131
the 48 w 2134
bounds 1 w 2140
of 21 w 2142
their 8 w 2147
naturall 3 w 2155
Allegiance 1 w 2165
but 1 w 2169
thought 2 w 2176
diuersitie 1 w 2186
of 22 w 2188
religion 1 w 2196
a 145 w 2197
safe 1 w 2201
pretext 1 w 2208
for 9 w 2211
all 12 w 2214
kinde 1 w 2219
of 23 w 2221
trea- 1 w 2226
sons 1 w 2230
and 14 w 2234
rebellions 1 w 2244
against 1 w 2251
their 9 w 2256
Soueraigne 2 w 2266
Which 1 w 2272
godly 1 w 2277
and 15 w 2280
wise 3 w 2284
intent 1 w 2290
God 1 w 2294
did 1 w 2297
blesse 1 w 2303
with 7 w 2307
successe 1 w 2315
accordingly 1 w 2326
For 3 w 2330
very 1 w 2334
many 2 w 2338
of 24 w 2340
my 6 w 2342
Subiects 3 w 2350
that 8 w 2354
were 7 w 2358
Popishly 2 w 2366
affected 2 w 2374
aswell 1 w 2381
Priests 1 w 2388
as 13 w 2391
Layicks 1 w 2398
did 2 w 2402
freely 1 w 2408
take 2 w 2412
the 51 w 2415
same 1 w 2419
Oath 1 w 2423
whereby 2 w 2431
they 5 w 2435
both 2 w 2439
gaue 2 w 2443
me 16 w 2445
occasion 1 w 2453
to 17 w 2455
thinke 1 w 2461
the 53 w 2464
better 1 w 2470
of 25 w 2472
their 10 w 2477
fidelitie 1 w 2486
and 16 w 2490
likewise 2 w 2498
freed 1 w 2503
themselues 3 w 2513
of 26 w 2515
that 9 w 2519
heauie 1 w 2525
slander 1 w 2532
that 10 w 2537
although 3 w 2545
they 6 w 2549
were 8 w 2553
fellow 2 w 2559
professors 1 w 2569
of 28 w 2571
one 6 w 2574
Religion 2 w 2582
with 8 w 2586
the 57 w 2589
powder-Traitors 1 w 2604
yet 4 w 2608
were 9 w 2612
they 7 w 2616
not 4 w 2619
ioyned 1 w 2625
with 9 w 2629
them 6 w 2633
in 46 w 2635
treasonable 1 w 2646
courses 1 w 2653
against 2 w 2660
their 11 w 2665
Soueraigne 3 w 2675
whereby 3 w 2683
all 13 w 2686
quietly 1 w 2693
minded 1 w 2699
Papists 1 w 2706
were 10 w 2710
put 1 w 2713
of 29 w 2715
despaire 1 w 2723
and 18 w 2727
I 10 w 2728
gaue 3 w 2732
a 183 w 2733
good 3 w 2737
proofe 1 w 2743
that 11 w 2747
I 11 w 2748
intended 2 w 2756
no 8 w 2758
persecution 1 w 2769
against 3 w 2776
them 7 w 2780
for 10 w 2783
conscience 1 w 2793
cause 3 w 2798
but 2 w 2802
onely 5 w 2807
desired 1 w 2814
to 19 w 2816
be 12 w 2818
secured 1 w 2825
of 31 w 2827
them 8 w 2831
for 11 w 2834
ciuill 1 w 2840
obedience 3 w 2849
which 2 w 2855
for 12 w 2858
conscience 2 w 2868
cause 4 w 2873
they 8 w 2877
were 11 w 2881
bound 2 w 2886
to 20 w 2888
performe 1 w 2896
3 1 w 2898
But 2 w 2902
the 64 w 2905
diuel 1 w 2910
could 2 w 2915
not 5 w 2918
haue 2 w 2922
deuised 1 w 2929
a 190 w 2930
more 2 w 2934
malicious 1 w 2943
tricke 1 w 2949
for 14 w 2952
interrupting 1 w 2964
this 3 w 2968
so 13 w 2970
calme 1 w 2975
and 19 w 2978
clement 1 w 2985
a 194 w 2986
course 2 w 2992
then 2 w 2997
fell 3 w 3001
out 2 w 3004
by 8 w 3006
the 66 w 3009
sending 1 w 3016
hither 1 w 3022
and 20 w 3026
publish- 1 w 3034
ing 16 w 3037
a 196 w 3038
Breue 1 w 3043
of 32 w 3045
the 68 w 3048
Popes 1 w 3053
countermanding 1 w 3068
all 14 w 3071
them 9 w 3075
of 33 w 3077
his 4 w 3080
profession 3 w 3090
to 21 w 3092
take 3 w 3096
this 4 w 3100
Oath 2 w 3104
Thereby 1 w 3112
sowing 1 w 3118
new 1 w 3121
seeds 1 w 3126
of 35 w 3128
ielousie 1 w 3136
betweene 3 w 3144
me 20 w 3146
and 22 w 3149
my 7 w 3151
Popish 3 w 3157
Subiects 4 w 3165
by 10 w 3168
stirring 1 w 3176
them 10 w 3180
vp 2 w 3182
to 22 w 3184
disobey 1 w 3191
that 12 w 3195
lawfull 1 w 3202
commandement 1 w 3214
of 36 w 3216
their 12 w 3221
Soueraigne 4 w 3231
which 3 w 3237
was 5 w 3240
ordeined 1 w 3248
to 23 w 3250
bee 2 w 3253
taken 2 w 3258
of 37 w 3260
them 11 w 3264
as 17 w 3266
a 209 w 3267
pledge 1 w 3273
of 38 w 3275
their 13 w 3280
fidelitie 2 w 3289
And 1 w 3293
so 16 w 3295
by 11 w 3297
their 14 w 3302
refusall 1 w 3310
of 39 w 3312
so 17 w 3314
iust 2 w 3318
a 211 w 3319
charge 1 w 3325
to 24 w 3328
giue 2 w 3332
mee 2 w 3335
so 18 w 3337
great 2 w 3342
and 24 w 3345
iust 3 w 3349
a 215 w 3350
ground 1 w 3356
for 15 w 3359
punishment 1 w 3369
of 40 w 3371
them 12 w 3375
without 2 w 3383
touching 1 w 3391
any 7 w 3394
matter 1 w 3400
of 41 w 3402
conscience 3 w 3412
throwing 1 w 3421
themselues 4 w 3431
needlesly 1 w 3440
into 1 w 3444
one 8 w 3447
of 42 w 3449
these 2 w 3454
desperate 1 w 3463
straits 1 w 3470
either 2 w 3477
with 11 w 3481
the 79 w 3484
losse 1 w 3489
of 43 w 3491
their 15 w 3496
lives 1 w 3501
and 25 w 3504
goods 1 w 3509
to 27 w 3511
renounce 1 w 3519
their 16 w 3524
Allegiance 2 w 3534
to 28 w 3536
their 17 w 3541
naturall 4 w 3549
Soueraigne 5 w 3559
or 38 w 3562
else 1 w 3566
to 29 w 3568
procure 1 w 3575
the 83 w 3578
condemnation 1 w 3590
of 44 w 3592
their 18 w 3597
soules 1 w 3603
by 12 w 3605
renouncing 1 w 3615
the 85 w 3618
Catholicke 1 w 3628
faith 2 w 3633
as 18 w 3636
he 101 w 3638
alleadgeth 1 w 3648
4 2 w 3650
And 2 w 3654
on 39 w 3656
the 86 w 3659
other 3 w 3664
part 1 w 3668
although 4 w 3677
disparitie 1 w 3687
of 45 w 3689
Religion 3 w 3697
the 88 w 3701
Pope 2 w 3705
being 3 w 3710
head 1 w 3714
of 46 w 3716
the 89 w 3719
contrary 1 w 3727
part 2 w 3731
can 1 w 3735
permit 1 w 3741
no 12 w 3743
intelligence 1 w 3755
nor 2 w 3758
intercourse 1 w 3769
of 47 w 3771
messengers 1 w 3781
betweene 4 w 3789
mee 3 w 3792
and 26 w 3795
the 90 w 3798
Pope 3 w 3802
yet 5 w 3806
there 3 w 3811
being 4 w 3816
no 14 w 3818
denounced 1 w 3827
warre 1 w 3832
betweene 5 w 3840
vs 3 w 3842
he 109 w 3845
hath 1 w 3849
by 13 w 3851
this 5 w 3855
action 1 w 3861
broken 1 w 3867
the 92 w 3870
rules 1 w 3875
of 48 w 3877
common 2 w 3883
ciuilitie 1 w 3892
and 27 w 3895
iustice 1 w 3902
between 6 w 3909
Christian 1 w 3918
Princes 1 w 3925
in 68 w 3928
thus 1 w 3932
condemning 1 w 3942
me 26 w 3944
vnheard 1 w 3951
both 3 w 3956
by 14 w 3958
accounting 1 w 3968
me 27 w 3970
a 246 w 3971
perse- 1 w 3977
cutor 1 w 3982
which 4 w 3988
cannot 1 w 3994
be 22 w 3996
but 3 w 3999
implied 1 w 4006
by 15 w 4008
exhorting 1 w 4017
the 93 w 4020
Papists 2 w 4027
to 31 w 4029
endure 1 w 4035
Martyrdome 1 w 4045
as 19 w 4048
likewise 3 w 4056
by 16 w 4058
so 20 w 4060
straitly 1 w 4068
commanding 1 w 4078
all 18 w 4081
those 5 w 4086
of 49 w 4088
his 7 w 4091
profession 4 w 4101
in 73 w 4103
England 2 w 4110
to 32 w 4113
refuse 1 w 4119
the 94 w 4122
taking 2 w 4128
of 51 w 4130
this 6 w 4134
Oath 3 w 4138
thereby 1 w 4146
refusing 1 w 4154
to 33 w 4156
professe 1 w 4164
their 19 w 4169
naturall 5 w 4177
obedience 4 w 4186
to 34 w 4188
me 29 w 4190
their 20 w 4195
Soueraigne 6 w 4205
For 4 w 4209
if 2 w 4211
he 117 w 4213
thinke 2 w 4219
himselfe 1 w 4227
my 8 w 4229
lawfull 2 w 4236
Iudge 1 w 4241
wherefore 1 w 4251
hath 2 w 4255
he 119 w 4257
condemned 1 w 4266
me 30 w 4268
vnheard 2 w 4275
And 3 w 4279
if 3 w 4282
he 121 w 4284
haue 3 w 4288
nothing 1 w 4295
to 35 w 4297
doe 4 w 4300
with 12 w 4304
me 31 w 4306
and 30 w 4309
my 9 w 4311
gouern- 1 w 4318
ment 7 w 4322
as 20 w 4325
indeed 1 w 4331
he 122 w 4333
hath 3 w 4337
not 8 w 4340
why 1 w 4344
doeth 3 w 4349
he 123 w 4351
mittere 1 w 4358
falcem 1 w 4364
in 79 w 4366
alienam 1 w 4373
messem 1 w 4379
to 36 w 4382
meddle 1 w 4388
betweene 6 w 4396
me 35 w 4398
and 31 w 4401
my 10 w 4403
Subiects 5 w 4411
especially 1 w 4422
in 80 w 4424
matters 1 w 4431
that 13 w 4435
meerely 1 w 4442
and 32 w 4445
onely 6 w 4450
concerne 1 w 4458
ciuill 2 w 4464
obedience 5 w 4473
And 4 w 4477
yet 6 w 4480
could 3 w 4485
Pius 1 w 4489
Quintus 1 w 4496
in 82 w 4498
his 9 w 4501
greatest 1 w 4509
fury 1 w 4513
and 33 w 4516
auowed 1 w 4522
quarrell 1 w 4530
against 4 w 4537
the 98 w 4540
late 1 w 4544
Queene 1 w 4550
doe 6 w 4554
no 19 w 4556
more 3 w 4560
iniurie 1 w 4567
vnto 2 w 4571
her 21 w 4574
then 3 w 4579
hee 1 w 4582
hath 4 w 4586
in 85 w 4588
this 7 w 4592
case 1 w 4596
offered 1 w 4603
vnto 3 w 4607
mee 5 w 4610
without 3 w 4618
so 21 w 4620
much 1 w 4624
as 22 w 4626
a 285 w 4627
pretended 1 w 4636
or 45 w 4638
an 51 w 4640
alleadged 1 w 4649
cause 5 w 4654
For 5 w 4658
what 1 w 4662
difference 1 w 4672
there 5 w 4677
is 36 w 4679
betweene 7 w 4688
the 101 w 4691
commanding 2 w 4701
Subiects 6 w 4709
to 39 w 4711
rebell 2 w 4717
and 35 w 4721
loosing 1 w 4728
them 14 w 4732
from 4 w 4736
their 21 w 4741
Oath 4 w 4745
of 54 w 4747
Allegiance 3 w 4757
as 23 w 4759
Pius 2 w 4763
Quintus 2 w 4770
did 3 w 4773
and 36 w 4777
the 104 w 4780
commanding 3 w 4790
of 55 w 4792
Subiects 7 w 4800
not 9 w 4803
to 40 w 4805
obey 2 w 4809
in 90 w 4811
making 1 w 4817
profession 5 w 4827
of 57 w 4829
their 22 w 4834
Oath 5 w 4838
of 58 w 4840
their 23 w 4845
dutifull 1 w 4853
Allegiance 4 w 4863
as 24 w 4866
this 8 w 4870
Pope 4 w 4874
hath 5 w 4878
now 1 w 4881
done 1 w 4885
no 22 w 4888
man 8 w 4891
can 3 w 4894
easily 1 w 4900
discerne 1 w 4908
5 1 w 4910
But 3 w 4914
to 41 w 4916
draw 2 w 4920
neere 1 w 4925
vnto 4 w 4929
his 12 w 4932
Breue 2 w 4937
wherein 1 w 4945
certainely 1 w 4955
hee 2 w 4958
hath 6 w 4962
taken 3 w 4967
more 4 w 4971
paines 1 w 4977
then 4 w 4981
he 138 w 4983
needed 1 w 4989
by 18 w 4992
setting 2 w 4999
downe 3 w 5004
in 96 w 5006
the 108 w 5009
said 3 w 5013
Breue 3 w 5018
the 109 w 5021
whole 4 w 5026
body 1 w 5030
of 59 w 5032
the 110 w 5035
Oath 6 w 5039
at 54 w 5041
length 1 w 5047
whereas 1 w 5055
the 111 w 5058
onely 7 w 5063
naming 1 w 5069
of 60 w 5071
the 112 w 5074
Title 1 w 5079
thereof 2 w 5086
might 2 w 5091
as 27 w 5093
well 2 w 5097
haue 4 w 5101
serued 1 w 5107
for 17 w 5111
any 8 w 5114
answere 1 w 5121
hee 3 w 5124
hath 7 w 5128
made 3 w 5132
thereunto 1 w 5141
making 2 w 5148
Vna 1 w 5151
litura 1 w 5157
that 14 w 5162
is 40 w 5164
the 115 w 5168
flat 1 w 5172
and 38 w 5175
generall 2 w 5183
condemnation 2 w 5195
of 62 w 5197
the 116 w 5200
whole 5 w 5205
Oath 7 w 5209
to 44 w 5211
serue 2 w 5216
for 18 w 5219
all 23 w 5222
his 13 w 5225
refuta- 1 w 5232
tion 11 w 5236
Therein 1 w 5245
hauing 1 w 5251
as 28 w 5253
well 3 w 5257
in 101 w 5259
this 9 w 5263
respect 1 w 5270
as 29 w 5272
in 102 w 5274
the 117 w 5277
former 1 w 5283
dealt 1 w 5289
both 4 w 5293
vndiscreetly 1 w 5305
with 14 w 5309
me 39 w 5311
and 39 w 5315
iniuriously 1 w 5326
with 15 w 5330
his 15 w 5333
owne 4 w 5337
Catholickes 1 w 5348
With 1 w 5353
mee 6 w 5356
in 104 w 5359
not 10 w 5362
refuting 1 w 5370
particularly 1 w 5382
what 2 w 5386
speciall 3 w 5394
words 1 w 5399
he 152 w 5401
quarrelled 1 w 5411
in 106 w 5413
that 15 w 5417
Oath 8 w 5421
which 5 w 5427
if 6 w 5429
hee 4 w 5432
had 1 w 5435
done 2 w 5439
it 45 w 5442
might 3 w 5447
haue 5 w 5451
beene 1 w 5456
that 16 w 5460
for 20 w 5463
the 118 w 5466
fatherly 1 w 5474
care 1 w 5478
I 13 w 5479
haue 6 w 5483
not 11 w 5486
to 45 w 5488
put 2 w 5491
any 9 w 5494
of 63 w 5496
my 11 w 5498
Subiects 8 w 5506
to 46 w 5508
a 353 w 5509
needlesse 2 w 5518
extremitie 1 w 5528
I 14 w 5530
might 4 w 5535
haue 7 w 5539
beene 2 w 5544
contented 1 w 5553
in 107 w 5555
some 2 w 5559
sort 2 w 5563
to 47 w 5565
haue 8 w 5569
reformed 1 w 5577
or 55 w 5579
interpreted 1 w 5590
those 6 w 5595
wordes 1 w 5601
With 2 w 5606
his 16 w 5609
owne 5 w 5613
Catho- 1 w 5619
lickes 2 w 5625
for 22 w 5629
either 3 w 5635
if 7 w 5637
I 15 w 5638
had 2 w 5641
so 24 w 5643
done 3 w 5647
they 9 w 5652
had 3 w 5655
beene 3 w 5660
thereby 2 w 5667
fully 2 w 5672
eased 1 w 5677
in 109 w 5679
that 17 w 5683
businesse 1 w 5692
or 58 w 5695
at 68 w 5697
least 1 w 5702
if 8 w 5704
I 16 w 5705
would 1 w 5710
not 12 w 5713
haue 9 w 5717
condescended 1 w 5729
to 48 w 5731
haue 10 w 5735
altered 1 w 5742
any 10 w 5745
thing 2 w 5750
in 112 w 5752
the 123 w 5755
saide 1 w 5760
Oath 9 w 5764
yet 7 w 5768
would 2 w 5773
thereby 3 w 5780
some 3 w 5784
appearance 1 w 5794
or 59 w 5796
shadow 1 w 5802
of 64 w 5804
excuse 1 w 5810
haue 11 w 5814
been 4 w 5818
left 1 w 5822
vnto 5 w 5826
them 15 w 5830
for 23 w 5833
refusing 2 w 5841
the 126 w 5844
same 2 w 5848
not 13 w 5852
as 32 w 5854
seeming 1 w 5861
thereby 4 w 5868
to 50 w 5870
swarue 1 w 5876
from 5 w 5880
their 24 w 5885
Obedience 1 w 5894
and 40 w 5897
Allegiance 5 w 5907
vnto 6 w 5911
mee 7 w 5914
but 4 w 5918
onely 8 w 5923
beeing 1 w 5929
stayed 1 w 5935
from 6 w 5939
taking 3 w 5945
the 129 w 5948
same 3 w 5952
vpon 2 w 5956
the 130 w 5959
scrupulous 1 w 5969
tendernesse 1 w 5980
of 65 w 5982
their 25 w 5987
consciences 1 w 5998
in 117 w 6001
regard 1 w 6007
of 66 w 6009
those 7 w 6014
particular 2 w 6024
words 2 w 6029
which 6 w 6034
the 132 w 6037
Pope 5 w 6041
had 5 w 6044
noted 1 w 6049
and 41 w 6052
condemned 2 w 6061
therein 1 w 6068
And 5 w 6072
now 2 w 6075
let 1 w 6078
vs 4 w 6080
heare 1 w 6085
the 134 w 6088
words 3 w 6093
of 67 w 6095
his 17 w 6098
thunder 1 w 6105