ἔθνος NOUN

Count: 5,428


a number of people accustomed to live together, a company, body of men


Cambridge Greek Lexicon (ἔθνος)
LSJ (ἔθνος)
Cunliffe (Lex Entries) (ἔθνος)
Lexicon Thucydideum (ἔθνος)
Middle Liddell (ἔθνος)

Other Lemmas (only diacritic or part-of-speech differences)

Ἔθνος (NOUN) 1


ἔθνη 545
ἔθνη 817
GEN 1863
DAT 809
VOC 19
TOTAL 2066 1 3361  

Form List

form parse count
ἔθνος NOM.SG NEUT 554
ἔθνος ACC.SG NEUT 721
ἔθνους GEN.SG NEUT 522
ἔθνεος GEN.SG NEUT 9
ἔθνει DAT.SG NEUT 254
ἔθνεϊ DAT.SG NEUT 4
ἔθνος VOC.SG NEUT 2
ἐθνοῖν GEN.DU NEUT 1
ἔθνη NOM.PL NEUT 545
ἔθνεα NOM.PL NEUT 42
ἔθνεά NOM.PL NEUT 2
ἔθνε’ NOM.PL NEUT 1
ἔθνη ACC.PL NEUT 817
ἔθνεα ACC.PL NEUT 52
ἔθνεά ACC.PL NEUT 2
ἔθνε’ ACC.PL NEUT 1
ἐθνῶν GEN.PL NEUT 1,293
ἐθνέων GEN.PL NEUT 38
ἔθνεσιν DAT.PL NEUT 288
ἔθνεσι DAT.PL NEUT 261
ἔθνεσί DAT.PL NEUT 2
ἔθνη VOC.PL NEUT 17