
Count: 6

AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB to look on, gaze at, view, behold


Occurences coming soon.

Other Forms With Same Analysis

θηήσαντ’ AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB 1
ἐθεάσαντό AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB 1
ἐθεήσαντο AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB 3
ἐθηήσαντο AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB 4
ἐθεάσαντο AOR MID 3PL IND θεάομαι VERB 65