on the right hand or side, Lat. dexter, opp. to ἀριστερός, Hom., etc.; τὸ δ. (sc. κέρας) the right of an army, Xen.:—adverb. usages, ἐπὶ δεξιά on the right, Il.; ἐπὶ δεξιόφιν (Epic gen.) towards the right, Il.; πρὸς δεξιά Hdt.
fortunate, boding good, of the flight of birds, δεξιὸς ὄρνις, αἴσιος, Hom. —This sense came from the Greek augurs looking to the North, so that lucky omens, which came from the East, were on the right, while the unlucky ones from the West were on the left.
metaph. dexterous, ready, opp. to σκαιός (sinister, French gauche); and of the mind, sharp, shrewd, clever, Ar., Thuc., etc.:—adv., δεξιῶς; Sup. δεξιώτατα, Ar.