Χ, χ, χῖ, τό, indecl., twenty-second letter of Gr. alphabet: as numeral, χ 600, ʼχ 600, 000: but inInscrr., Χ, is the first letter of χίλιοι, αι, α, 1000.—Changes of χ, in the dialects:
Doric for θ, as ὄρνιχος for ὄρνιθος.
Ionic represented by κ, as δέκομαι κιθών for δέχομαι χιτών.
put before λ to strengthen the sound, as χλαῖνα for λαῖνα, χλιαρός for λιαρός. The Poets in some words treated χ as a double consonant, so that a short vowel before it becomes long, as in βρόχος, ἰᾱχή, ἰᾱχέω (qq. v.), φαιο_χίτων.