Ὑπερ-βόρεοι, οἱ,
the Hyperboreans, an imaginary people in the extreme north, distinguished for piety and happiness, Pind., Hdt.;— τύχη ὑπερβόρεος, proverb. of more than mortal fortune, Aesch.
{'content': 'Ὑπερβόρεοι\n Ὑπερ-βόρεοι, οἱ,\n Βορέας\n the Hyperboreans, an imaginary people in the extreme north, distinguished for piety and happiness, Pind., Hdt.;— τύχη ὑπερβόρεος, proverb. of more than mortal fortune, Aesch.', 'key': '*(uperbo/reoi'}