demonstr. Pron., antecedent to relat. οἷος, Lat. talis, of such kind or quality, such, such-like, τοῖος ἐών, οἷος οὖτις Ἀχαιῶν (sc. ἐστίν) Il., etc.:— τοῖος in Hom. mostly refers to something gone before, such as is said, Hom.
with qualifying words, τοῖος χεῖρας such in his hands, Od.; τεύχεσι τοῖος Il.; τοῖος, c. inf., such as to do, i. e. fit or able to do, Od.
with an adj. of the same gender and case, it increases the sense of the adj., ἐπιεικὴς τοῖος just of moderate size, Il.; πέλαγος μέγα τοῖον a sea so large, Od.; κερδαλέος τοῖος so very crafty, Od.
neut. τοῖον as adv. so, thus, so very, so much, Hom.; —so, τοίως, Theocr.