Τ, τ, ταῦ, τό, indecl., nineteenth letter of the Gr. alphabet: as numeral τʹ 300, but ͵τ 300,000.
τ is the tenuis dental mute, related to the medial δ and the aspirate θ.
Changes of τ:
Aeolic and Doric, τ for ς, as τύ (Lat. tu, thou) for σύ; τοί τέ τῦκον φατί for σοί σέ σῦκον φησί.
in new Attic, as in Doric and Boeot., ττ for σς, mostly in Verbs, πράττω for πράσσω, etc.
in Ionic the tenius τ for its aspirate θ, as αὖτις for αὖθις; so, the tenuis remains unchanged before an aspirate, as κατεῖλον, κατʼ ἡσυχίην.
the Poets, metri grat., insert τ after π at the beginning of some words, e. g. πτόλις, πτόλεμος.