.σῆμα, Doric σᾶμα, ατος, τό,
a sign, mark, token, Hom., etc.; the star on a horseʼs forehead, Il.
a sign from heaven, an omen, portent, Hom., etc.
generally, a sign to do or begin something, Od.; a watchword, Eur.; a battle-sign, signal, Eur.
the sign by which a grave is known, a mound, cairn, barrow, Lat. tumulus, Hom., etc.:—generally, a grave, tomb, Hdt., Attic
a token by which any oneʼs identity was certified: the σήματα λυγρά of Bellerophon were pictorial, not written, tokens (v. γράφω init.), Il.:— the mark on the lot of Ajax, Il.: the device or bearing on a shield, Aesch.; the seal impressed on a letter, Soph.
a constellation, Il., Eur.