prob. from πρό
a prince, ruler, lord, chief, of Hiero, Pind.; of Zeus, Pind., Aesch.
at Athens, a Prytanis or President: the πρυτάνεις were a committee of 50, chosen by lot from each of the 10 φυλαί, so that each set formed 1/10 part of the βουλή or Council of 500; out of these 50 πρυτάνεις one was chosen by lot as chief-president (ἐπιστάτης) ; he chose 9 πρόεδροι; and the real business was in the hands of this smaller body, with a secretary (γραμματεύς) added.—The φυλή which first entered office every year was determined by lot; and their term of office (πρυτανεία) was about five weeks. During this time all treaties and public acts ran in their name, in this form: Ἀκαμαντὶς φυλὴ ἐπρυτάνευε, Φαίνιππος ἐγραμμάτευε, Νικιάδης ἐπεστάτει the Tribe Acamantis were the Presidency, Phaenippus the Secretary, Niciades the Chief-president, Thuc.