.οὐδός, Attic ὀδός, οῦ, ὁ,
a threshold, Hom., Hes.:— the threshold or entrance to any place, Hom., Soph.
metaph., ἐπὶ γήραος οὐδῷ on the threshold, i. e. the verge, of old age, Hom.
{'content': 'οὐδός\n .οὐδός, Attic ὀδός, οῦ, ὁ,\n \n a threshold, Hom., Hes.:— the threshold or entrance to any place, Hom., Soph.\n metaph., ἐπὶ γήραος οὐδῷ on the threshold, i. e. the verge, of old age, Hom.', 'key': 'ou)do/s1'}