Ξ, ξ, ξῖ, τό, indecl., fourteenth letter of the Gk. alphabet: as numeral ξ 60, but ξ 60, 000: introduced in the archonship of Euclides, 403 B. C.—It is a double consonant, compounded of γς, κς, or χς. Changes
ξ in Aeolic and Attic appears as an aspirated form of κ, cf. ξυνός with κοινός, ξύν with cum;— or of ς, cf. ξύν with σύν, ξέστης with Lat. sextarius; and so in Doric fut. of Verbs in -ζω, κομίξω κλᾳξῶ παιξῶ for κομίσω κλῄσω παίσω.
interchanged with σς, Ionic διξός, τριξός for δισσός, τρισσός.