Doric and Trag. enclit. acc. of 3rd pers. Pron., like Epic and Ionic μιν, for αὐτόν, αὐτήν, him, her, Pind., Trag.;—rarely for αὐτό, it, Pind., Aesch.; and for αὐτούς, -τάς (in pl.), Pind.
for dat. αὐτῷ, Pind.
{'content': 'νιν\n Doric and Trag. enclit. acc. of 3rd pers. Pron., like Epic and Ionic μιν, for αὐτόν, αὐτήν, him, her, Pind., Trag.;—rarely for αὐτό, it, Pind., Aesch.; and for αὐτούς, -τάς (in pl.), Pind.\n for dat. αὐτῷ, Pind.', 'key': 'nin'}