blessed, happy, of the gods, as opp. to mortal men, Il.; absol., μάκαρες the blessed ones, Od., Hes., Pind., Trag.
of men, blest, fortunate, ὦ μάκαρ Ἀτρείδη Il.; so, μάκαιρα ἑστία, etc., Pind.:— esp. wealthy, ἀνδρὸς μάκαρος κατʼ ἄρουραν Il.
μάκαρες also meant the dead, as secure from the ills of life, Hes.:— μακάρων νῆσοι the Islands of the Blest (in the ocean at the extreme West) where heroes and demi-gods enjoyed rest for ever, Hes., Pind.
comp. μακάρτερος, Sup. μακάρτατος Od.