Κ, κ, κάππα, τό, indecl., tenth letter in Gr. alphabet: as numeral κ 20, but κ, 20, 000:— κ is the tenuis guttural mute, related to the medial γ and the aspir. χ. Changes of κ in the Gr. dialects:
Ionic κ replaces χ, as κιθών δέκομαι κύθρη for χιτών δέχομαι χύτρα:—it represents π, as κου κοτε κως, etc., for που ποτε πως, etc.; so, ἴσκε ἔσπεν, ἵππος Lat. equus.
Doric κ is interchanged with τ, as ὅκα ἄλλοκα τῆνος for ὅτε ἄλλοτε κεῖνος.