to have favourable signs in a sacrifice, to obtain good omens for an undertaking, Lat. litare, perlitare, Xen.; so in Mid., Hdt., etc.
c. acc. to sacrifice with good omens, Theocr.:—so in Mid., Ar.
of the offering, to give good omens, be favourable, καλλιρῆσαι οὐκ ἐδύνατο τὰ ἱρά the sacrifices would not give good omens, Hdt.; ὥς σφι ἐκαλλιρέετο τὰ ἱρά Hdt.; also c. inf., οὐκ ἐκαλλίρεε διαβαίνειν μιν the sacrifices were not favourable for his crossing, Hdt.:—in Mid., ὡς οὐδὲ ταῦτα ἐκαλλιερεῖτο Xen.