Ι, ι, ἰῶτα, τό, indecl., ninth letter of the Gr. alphabet: as numeral ι 10, but ι 10, 000. The ι subscriptum was called ι προσγεγραμμένον, adscriptum, and was so written till the 13th century, τῶι (not τῷ) , as is still done in capital letters ΤΩΙ., Changes of ι:
Doric, ι for υ in the 3rd pl. and part. pres., as φιλέοισι ἐοῖσα for φιλέουσι, etc.; so also Μοῖσα Ἀρέθοισα for Μοῦσα, etc.:—it was added to α in some Adjs., and in the aor1 part., as μέλαις τάλαις ῥίψαις for μέλας, etc.; and in the acc. pl. fem. of 1st decl., as ταῖς νύμφαις for τὰς νύμφας.
Boeot. and Lacon. as σιός, σεῖος, for θεός, θεῖος.
ῑ easily passes into ει, whence forms like εἴλω ἴλλω, εἴλη ἴλη, εἴρην ἰρήν: ι was sometimes exchanged with ε, as in ἑστία, Ionic ἱστίη:—often inserted to lengthen the syll., e. g. εἰν εἰς ξεῖνος κεινός πνείω ὑπείρ διαί μεταί παραί, for ἐν, ἐς, etc. The Quantity of ι varies.