Θ, θ, θῆτα, τό, indecl., eighth letter of the Gr. alphabet: as numeral θ ἐννέα, ἔνατος, but θ 90000. —q is the aspirated dental mute, related to the tenuis τ and the medial δ. θ is sometimes represented by φ, as θλάω φλάω; so in Lat. θήρ (Aeolic φήρ) fera; θύρα fores; byβ, as ἐ-ρυθρός ruber, οὖθαρ uber.
changes of θ in the Gr. dialects:
Lacon., into ς, as σάλασσα σεῖος Ἀσάνα παρσένος for θάλασσα θεῖος Ἀθάνα παρθένος.
Aeolic and Doric into τ, as αὖτις ἐντεῦθεν for αὖθις ἐντεῦθεν.
when θ was repeated in two foll. syllables, the former became τ, as Ἀτθίς.