of the mother, to suckle, Lat. lactare, Lys., NTest.
of the young animal, to suck, Lat. lactere; θηλάζων χοῖρος a sucking pig, Theocr.: c. acc., μασδὸν ἐθήλαξεν Theocr.
{'content': 'θηλάζω\n θηλάζω,\n θηλή\n of the mother, to suckle, Lat. lactare, Lys., NTest.\n of the young animal, to suck, Lat. lactere; θηλάζων χοῖρος a sucking pig, Theocr.: c. acc., μασδὸν ἐθήλαξεν Theocr.', 'key': 'qhla/zw'}