A).tug-of-war at the Dionysia: a rope was passed through a hole in a post, and boys at the ends (placed back to back) tried each to pull the other up, Poll. 9.116 , Hsch.: playing at this game was called σκαπέρδαν ἕλκειν, Poll. l.c.
{'content': '<div class="entry"> <span class="orth greek">σκαπέρδα</span>, <span class="gen greek">ἡ</span>, <div style="margin-top: 1.0em;" class="sense depth-1"> <span><strong>A).</strong></span> <span class="tr" style="font-weight: bold;">tug-of-war at the Dionysia</span>: a rope was passed through a hole in a post, and boys at the ends (placed back to back) tried each to pull the other up, <a class="bibl" target="_blank" data-urn="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0542.tlg001:9:116" href="https://catalog-api-dev.scaife.eldarion.com/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0542.tlg001:9.116/canonical-url/"> <span class="author" style="font-variant: small-caps;">Poll.</span> 9.116 </a>, <span class="bibl"> <span class="author" style="font-variant: small-caps;">Hsch.</span></span>: playing at this game was called <span class="foreign greek">σκαπέρδαν ἕλκειν</span>, <span class="bibl"> <span class="author" style="font-variant: small-caps;">Poll.</span> </span> l.c.</div> </div><br><br>'}