Καππώτας, α, ὁ, Ζεὺς Κ., Doric name given to a large unworked stone at Gythium on which Orestes was said to have sat down and recovered his sanity (παύσασθαι τῆς μανίας), Paus. 3.22.1 .
{'content': '<div class="entry"> <span class="orth greek">Καππώτας</span>, <span class="itype greek">α</span>, <span class="gen greek">ὁ</span> <span class="foreign greek">, Ζεὺς Κ</span>., Doric name given to a large unworked stone at Gythium on which Orestes was said to have sat down and recovered his sanity (<span class="etym greek">παύσασθαι τῆς μανίας</span>), <a class="bibl" target="_blank" data-urn="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0525.tlg001.perseus-grc1:3:22:1" href="https://catalog-api-dev.scaife.eldarion.com/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0525.tlg001.perseus-grc1:3:22:1/canonical-url/"> <span class="author" style="font-variant: small-caps;">Paus.</span> 3.22.1 </a>.</div><br><br>'}