deponere to put down, lay aside, 1.27.1, 7.82.3,
ponere, collocare to put, place, 5.47.11,
MED. deponere to put down, lay aside, 1.6.3, 7.83.5,
in custodiam tradere to deliver into custody, 1.115.3, 3.28.2,
3.35.1. 3.72.1,
5.61.5. 5.84.1. 8.3.1,
finem belli facere to end the war, 1.121.1,
gratiam conferre to bestow thanks, 1.33.1, [nonnulli codd. several manuscripts
comparare sibi to win over to oneself, 4.87.5,
PASS. 4.20.2, (quod alii, cum locutione which others, comparing the phrase