accĭpĭter, tris (earlier also tĕris, Prisc. p. 695 P.), m. (f. Lucr. 4, 1006) [com. deriv. from accipio; see 2. acceptor; but cf. ὠκύπτερος, swift-winged], a general name for birds of prey, esp. those of the falcon kind, Plin. 10, 8, 9, § 21; Ter. Ph. 2, 2, 16; Lucr. 5, 107; Cic. N. D. 3, 19; Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 50 al.— In partic. The common hawk, Falco Palumbarius, Linn.; Hor. C. 1, 37, 17 sq.; Ov. M. 5, 605 sq.; Col. 8, 4, 6; 3, 8, 4 al.: sacer, because auguries were taken from it, Verg. A. 11, 721 (cf. Hom. Od. 15, 525 sq.).— The sparrowhawk, Falco Nisus, Linn., used in fowling; Mart. 14, 216.— Transf., of a rapacious man: labes populi, pecuniai accipiter, Plaut. Pers. 3, 3, 5.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'content': 'accĭpĭter, tris (earlier also tĕris, Prisc. p. 695 P.), m. (f. Lucr. 4, 1006) [com. deriv. from accipio; see 2. acceptor; but cf. ὠκύπτερος, swift-winged], a general name for birds of prey, esp. those of the falcon kind, Plin. 10, 8, 9, § 21; Ter. Ph. 2, 2, 16; Lucr. 5, 107; Cic. N. D. 3, 19; Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 50 al.— In partic. The common hawk, Falco Palumbarius, Linn.; Hor. C. 1, 37, 17 sq.; Ov. M. 5, 605 sq.; Col. 8, 4, 6; 3, 8, 4 al.: sacer, because auguries were taken from it, Verg. A. 11, 721 (cf. Hom. Od. 15, 525 sq.).— The sparrowhawk, Falco Nisus, Linn., used in fowling; Mart. 14, 216.— Transf., of a rapacious man: labes populi, pecuniai accipiter, Plaut. Pers. 3, 3, 5.\n', 'key': 'accipiter', 'type': 'main'}