Nūcĕrĭa, ae, f., the name of several cities. A city in Campania, with the appellation Alfaterna, the modern Nocera, Liv. 9, 41, 3; 23, 15; 27, 3; Cic. Agr. 2, 31, 86; id. Balb. 11, 28.—Hence, Nūcĕ-rīnus (Nŭc-, Paul. Nol. Carm. 26, 517), a, um, adj., of or belonging to Nuceria, Nucerian: ager, Liv. 9, 38.—In plur.: Nū-cĕrīni, ōrum, m., the Nucerians, Liv. 27, 3.— A city in Umbria, now Nocera, whose inhabitants are called Nucerini Favonienses and Camelani, Plin. 3, 14, 19, § 114.