nŏthus, a, um, adj., = νόθος, spurious, not genuine. Lit. Of persons, illegitimate, bastard, born out of wedlock (but of a known father; contra, spurius, of an unknown father: legitimus, born in wedlock): nothum qui non sit legitimus, Graeci vocant: Latinum rei nomen non habemus, Quint. 3, 6, 97; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 174 Müll.; Quint. 3, 6, 96; 7, 7, 10: Antiphaten ... Thebanā de matre nothum Sarpedonis alti, Verg. A. 9, 697.— Of animals of a mixed breed, mongrel, Verg. A. 7, 283; Col. 8, 2, 13; Plin. 8, 1, 1, § 3.— Transf., not genuine, false, counterfeit (poet. and in post-class. prose): lunaque sive notho fertur loca lumine lustrans, Sive suam proprio jactat de corpore lucem, i. e. borrowed, not its own, Lucr. 5, 575; so, lumen, Cat. 34, 15: Attis notha mulier, false, counterfeit, id. 63, 27: quojus genera (nominum) sunt tria, unum vernaculum ac domi natum, alterum adventicium, tertium nothum ex peregrino hic natum, Varr. L. L. 10, § 69 Müll.; so, notha nomina, id. ib. 10, § 70: nothae atque adulterae lectiones, Arn. 5, 182.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'content': 'nŏthus, a, um, adj., = νόθος, spurious, not genuine. Lit. Of persons, illegitimate, bastard, born out of wedlock (but of a known father; contra, spurius, of an unknown father: legitimus, born in wedlock): nothum qui non sit legitimus, Graeci vocant: Latinum rei nomen non habemus, Quint. 3, 6, 97; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 174 Müll.; Quint. 3, 6, 96; 7, 7, 10: Antiphaten ... Thebanā de matre nothum Sarpedonis alti, Verg. A. 9, 697.— Of animals of a mixed breed, mongrel, Verg. A. 7, 283; Col. 8, 2, 13; Plin. 8, 1, 1, § 3.— Transf., not genuine, false, counterfeit (poet. and in post-class. prose): lunaque sive notho fertur loca lumine lustrans, Sive suam proprio jactat de corpore lucem, i. e. borrowed, not its own, Lucr. 5, 575; so, lumen, Cat. 34, 15: Attis notha mulier, false, counterfeit, id. 63, 27: quojus genera (nominum) sunt tria, unum vernaculum ac domi natum, alterum adventicium, tertium nothum ex peregrino hic natum, Varr. L. L. 10, § 69 Müll.; so, notha nomina, id. ib. 10, § 70: nothae atque adulterae lectiones, Arn. 5, 182.\n', 'key': 'nothus', 'type': 'greek'}