mulctra, ae, f. mulgeo, a milkingpail, milk-pail. Lit.: bis venit ad mulctram, Verg. E. 3, 30: e mulctrā recens caseus, Col. 8, 17, 13; cf. mulctrum.— Transf., the milk in a milk-pail, Col. 7, 8, 1; cf. mulctrum.
{'content': 'mulctra, ae, f. mulgeo, a milkingpail, milk-pail. Lit.: bis venit ad mulctram, Verg. E. 3, 30: e mulctrā recens caseus, Col. 8, 17, 13; cf. mulctrum.— Transf., the milk in a milk-pail, Col. 7, 8, 1; cf. mulctrum.\n', 'key': 'mulctra', 'type': 'main'}