mŏlŏchĭnārĭus (moloci-), ii, m. id.. A mallow-dyer, one who dyes with the color of mallows (ante- and post-class.), Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 40.— A seller of mallowcolored garments, Inscr. Mar. 939, 6.
{'content': 'mŏlŏchĭnārĭus (moloci-), ii, m. id.. A mallow-dyer, one who dyes with the color of mallows (ante- and post-class.), Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 40.— A seller of mallowcolored garments, Inscr. Mar. 939, 6.\n', 'key': 'molochinarius', 'type': 'main'}