mŏlāris, e, adj. mola, of or belonging to a mill or to grinding, mill-. Adj. (post-Aug.): molaris lapis, Plin. 36, 19, 30, § 137; Isid. 19, 10, 10: petrae molares, Grom. Vet. 401, 20: saxum, id. ib. 212, 9: lapis molaris, Vulg. Luc. 17, 2: deus, grinding, molar, id. Judic. 15, 19.— Subst.: mŏlāris, is, m. A millstone; poet. for any large stone: ramis vastisque molaribus instat, Verg. A. 8, 250; Tac. H. 2, 22; Ov. M. 3, 59: lapis quasi molaris magnus, Vulg. Apoc. 18, 21; cf. Sen. Ep. 82, 25.— (Sc. dens.) A grinder, molar: interque molares Difficili crescente cibo, Juv. 13, 212: presso stridere molari, id. 6, 160: molares superiores (of horses' teeth), Col. 6, 29, 4; Pall. 4, 13, 9.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'content': "mŏlāris, e, adj. mola, of or belonging to a mill or to grinding, mill-. Adj. (post-Aug.): molaris lapis, Plin. 36, 19, 30, § 137; Isid. 19, 10, 10: petrae molares, Grom. Vet. 401, 20: saxum, id. ib. 212, 9: lapis molaris, Vulg. Luc. 17, 2: deus, grinding, molar, id. Judic. 15, 19.— Subst.: mŏlāris, is, m. A millstone; poet. for any large stone: ramis vastisque molaribus instat, Verg. A. 8, 250; Tac. H. 2, 22; Ov. M. 3, 59: lapis quasi molaris magnus, Vulg. Apoc. 18, 21; cf. Sen. Ep. 82, 25.— (Sc. dens.) A grinder, molar: interque molares Difficili crescente cibo, Juv. 13, 212: presso stridere molari, id. 6, 160: molares superiores (of horses' teeth), Col. 6, 29, 4; Pall. 4, 13, 9.\n", 'key': 'molaris', 'type': 'main'}