mĕtōposcŏpus or -os, i, m., = μετωποσκόπος, a forehead inspector, one who tells fortunes by examining the forehead, a metoposcopist (post-Aug.), Suet. Tit. 2; cf. Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 88.
{'content': 'mĕtōposcŏpus or -os, i, m., = μετωποσκόπος, a forehead inspector, one who tells fortunes by examining the forehead, a metoposcopist (post-Aug.), Suet. Tit. 2; cf. Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 88.\n', 'key': 'metoposcopus', 'type': 'greek'}