mĕmŏrĭālis, e, adj. memoria, of or belonging to memory or remembrance, memorial (post-Aug.): libellus. a memoran dum-book, Suet. Caes. 56.— Subst. Mĕmŏrĭālis, is, m., a historiographer Cod. Just. 12, 29, 1.— mĕmŏrĭāle, is, n. memorial, that which keeps in remembrance: Domine, tuum, Vulg. Psa. 135, 13; Arn. in Psa. 135.— mĕmŏrĭālia, ĭum, n. plur., memoirs, Dig. 50, 16, 44; Macr. S. 3. 6, 11.— The title of a book by Sabinus Masurius, Gell. 6 (7), 7, 8. Sabinus in septimo memoriall, id. 4, 20, 11