Mellŏproxĭmus, i, m., vox hibr. [μέλλω-proximus], one who comes next in rank to the Proximus; v. h. v. under propior, Cod. Th. 6, 26, 16; Cod. Just. 12, 19, 5; 7; 14.
{'content': 'Mellŏproxĭmus, i, m., vox hibr. [μέλλω-proximus], one who comes next in rank to the Proximus; v. h. v. under propior, Cod. Th. 6, 26, 16; Cod. Just. 12, 19, 5; 7; 14.\n', 'key': 'Melloproximus', 'type': 'main'}