antĕ-pēs, pĕdis, m. * The forefoot Cic. Arat. 454.— = anteambulo, a forerunner, etc., Agroet. Orthogr. p. 2274 P. (in Juv. 7, 143, the correct read. is ante pedes, Jahn).
{'content': 'antĕ-pēs, pĕdis, m. * The forefoot Cic. Arat. 454.— = anteambulo, a forerunner, etc., Agroet. Orthogr. p. 2274 P. (in Juv. 7, 143, the correct read. is ante pedes, Jahn).\n', 'key': 'antepes', 'type': 'main'}