antĕcessor, ōris, m. id., he that goes before; hence, In milit. lang., antecessores, the forerunners of the army, the advanced guard (cf. antecursor): speculatores et antecessores, Auct. B. Afr. 12: agminis antecessores, * Suet. Vit. 17.— In the jurists, Teachers or professors of law, Cod. Just. 1, 17, 2.— A predecessor in office (opp. successor): ad antecessores meos Apostolos, Vulg. Gal. 1, 17; Dig. 5, 1, 55; 27, 9, 9.— Tert. thus designates the Holy Ghost, Tert. Virg. Vel. 1 fin.; and also the Apostles, id. adv. Marc. 1, 20; 5, 3.