antĕ-căpĭo, cēpi, ceptum, 3, v. a., to obtain before, to receive before. In gen.: quam appellat πρόληψιν Epicurus, anteceptam animo rei quandam informationem, an inborn, innate idea, Cic. N. D. 1, 16, 43 B. and K. (cf. anticipatio, I.).— Esp. To take possession of beforehand, to preoccupy: multa antecapere, quae bello usui forent, Sall. C. 32, 3 Dietsch: pontem anteceperat, Tac. H. 4, 66 Halm.— To anticipate: noctem antecapere, Sall. C. 55, 1: ea omnia luxu antecapere, id. ib. 13, 4.