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Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary

annŏtāmentum (
annŏtātĭo (
annŏtātĭuncŭla (
annŏtātor (
annŏtātus (
an-nŏto (better
an-nūbĭlo (better
an-nullo (better
annŭmĕrātĭo (
an-nŭmĕro (better
annuntĭātĭo (
annuntĭātor (
an-nuntĭo (better
annuntĭus (
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an-nŏto (better
an-nŏto (better adn-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., to put a note to something, to write down something, to note down, remark, comment on (only in post-Aug. prose, like its derivatives annotatio, annotator, annotamentum, etc.). In gen.: ut meminisset atque adnotaret, quid et quando et cui dedisset, Col. 12, 3, 4: in scriptis adnotare quaedam ut tumida, Plin. Ep. 9, 26, 5: liber legebatur, adnotabatur, id. ib. 3, 5, 10; so Suet. Gram. 24: quā in re et aliud adnotare succurrit, Plin. 7, 48, 49, § 157: quod annales adnotavere, id. 34, 6, 11, § 24: de quibus in orthographiā pauca adnotabo, Quint. 1, 14, 7 al.—Hence, = animadvertere, to observe, perceive: cum adnotāsset insculptum monumento militem Gallum, etc., Suet. Ner. 41.— Adnotare librum, to give a book some title, to entitle, denominate: ausus est libros suos φιλαληθεῖς adnotare, Lact. 5, 3 fin.— Annotari, to be distinguished, noted for something: haec litora pisce nobili adnotantur, Plin. 3, 5, 9, § 60.— Judic. t. t. To enter or register an absent person among the accused: absens requirendus, adnotandus est, ut copiam sui praestet, Dig. 48, 17, 1.— To note or designate one, already condemned, for punishment: quos, quia cives Romani erant, adnotavi in urbem remittendos, Plin. Ep. 10, 97; so id. ib. 3, 16; 7, 20; id. Pan. 56 Schwarz; Suet. Calig. 27.


No short def.


an-nŏto (better
Headword (normalized):
an-nŏto (better
Headword (normalized/stripped):
an-noto (better


{'content': 'an-nŏto (better adn-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., to put a note to something, to write down something, to note down, remark, comment on (only in post-Aug. prose, like its derivatives annotatio, annotator, annotamentum, etc.). In gen.: ut meminisset atque adnotaret, quid et quando et cui dedisset, Col. 12, 3, 4: in scriptis adnotare quaedam ut tumida, Plin. Ep. 9, 26, 5: liber legebatur, adnotabatur, id. ib. 3, 5, 10; so Suet. Gram. 24: quā in re et aliud adnotare succurrit, Plin. 7, 48, 49, § 157: quod annales adnotavere, id. 34, 6, 11, § 24: de quibus in orthographiā pauca adnotabo, Quint. 1, 14, 7 al.—Hence, = animadvertere, to observe, perceive: cum adnotāsset insculptum monumento militem Gallum, etc., Suet. Ner. 41.— Adnotare librum, to give a book some title, to entitle, denominate: ausus est libros suos φιλαληθεῖς adnotare, Lact. 5, 3 fin.— Annotari, to be distinguished, noted for something: haec litora pisce nobili adnotantur, Plin. 3, 5, 9, § 60.— Judic. t. t. To enter or register an absent person among the accused: absens requirendus, adnotandus est, ut copiam sui praestet, Dig. 48, 17, 1.— To note or designate one, already condemned, for punishment: quos, quia cives Romani erant, adnotavi in urbem remittendos, Plin. Ep. 10, 97; so id. ib. 3, 16; 7, 20; id. Pan. 56 Schwarz; Suet. Calig. 27.\n', 'key': 'annoto', 'type': 'main'}