lānūgo, ĭnis, f. cf. Gr. λάχνη, Lat. lāna, woolly substance, down, of plants, of the cheeks, etc. (poet. and in post-Aug. prose). Lit.: flaventem primā ianugine malas Dum sequeris Clytium, Verg. A. 10, 324; so, primaque par sacrae lanugo senectae, Juv. 13, 59; cf.: comae graciles et lanuginis instar, Ov. Am. 1, 14, 23: signarat dubia teneras lanugine malas, id. M. 13, 754: a prima lanugine, Suet. Oth. 12: herba cubile praebebat, multa et molli lanugine abundans, Lucr. 5, 817: folia araneosa lanugine obducta, Plin. 24, 12, 66, § 108: cana legam tenera lanugine mala, Verg. E. 2, 51.— Transf., sawdust, Col. 4, 29, 16.