lancĕa, ae, f. λόγχη, acc. to Paul. ex Fest. p. 118 Müll.; acc. to Varr. ap. Gell. 15, 30 fin., of Spanish origin, a light spear, with a leather thong fastened to the middle of it, a lance, spear (cf.: telum, spiculum, hastile, pilum, jaculum, etc.): Suevi lanceis configunt, Sisenn. ap. Non. 556, 8: lancea infesta ... medium femur trajecit voluseni, Hirt. B. G. 8, 48: ceteri sparos aut lanceas portabant, Sall. C. 56, 3: Romanus miles missili pilo aut lanceis assultans, Tac. H. 1, 79; 3, 27: lata, i. e. with a broad head, Verg. A. 12, 375; Suet. Claud. 35: cujus torta manu commisit lancea bellum, Luc. 7, 472; Just. 24, 5: haec, duas lanceas dextra praeferens, Curt. 6, 5, 26: mihi non parvam incussisti sollicitudinem, injecto non scrupulo, sed lancea, ne sermones nostros anus illa cognoscat, i. e. great dread, App. M. 1, p. 107, 5.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'content': 'lancĕa, ae, f. λόγχη, acc. to Paul. ex Fest. p. 118 Müll.; acc. to Varr. ap. Gell. 15, 30 fin., of Spanish origin, a light spear, with a leather thong fastened to the middle of it, a lance, spear (cf.: telum, spiculum, hastile, pilum, jaculum, etc.): Suevi lanceis configunt, Sisenn. ap. Non. 556, 8: lancea infesta ... medium femur trajecit voluseni, Hirt. B. G. 8, 48: ceteri sparos aut lanceas portabant, Sall. C. 56, 3: Romanus miles missili pilo aut lanceis assultans, Tac. H. 1, 79; 3, 27: lata, i. e. with a broad head, Verg. A. 12, 375; Suet. Claud. 35: cujus torta manu commisit lancea bellum, Luc. 7, 472; Just. 24, 5: haec, duas lanceas dextra praeferens, Curt. 6, 5, 26: mihi non parvam incussisti sollicitudinem, injecto non scrupulo, sed lancea, ne sermones nostros anus illa cognoscat, i. e. great dread, App. M. 1, p. 107, 5.\n', 'key': 'lancea', 'type': 'main'}