Ischŏmăchē, ēs, f., = Ἰσχομάχη, the daughter of Atracius or Atrax; called also Hippodamīa, at whose wedding with Pirithoüs the conflict arose between the Centaurs and Lapithæ, Prop. 2, 2, 9.
{'content': 'Ischŏmăchē, ēs, f., = Ἰσχομάχη, the daughter of Atracius or Atrax; called also Hippodamīa, at whose wedding with Pirithoüs the conflict arose between the Centaurs and Lapithæ, Prop. 2, 2, 9.\n', 'key': 'Ischomache', 'type': 'main'}