Īlīthyia (quadrisyl.), ae, f., = Εἰλείθυια (the daughter of Juno), the goddess of the Greeks who aided women in childbirth, Lat. Juno Lucina, Hor. Carm. Sec. 14; Ov. M. 9, 283; id. Am. 2, 13, 21.
{'content': 'Īlīthyia (quadrisyl.), ae, f., = Εἰλείθυια (the daughter of Juno), the goddess of the Greeks who aided women in childbirth, Lat. Juno Lucina, Hor. Carm. Sec. 14; Ov. M. 9, 283; id. Am. 2, 13, 21.\n', 'key': 'Ilithyia', 'type': 'main'}