hўpercătălectus or hўpercă-tălectĭcus, versus = ὑπερκατάληκτος or ὑπερκαταληκτικός, in prosody, a verse that has at the end a syllable or a foot too much, hypercatalectic, Serv. p. 1817 P.; Prisc. p. 1216 ib.
{'content': 'hўpercătălectus or hўpercă-tălectĭcus, versus = ὑπερκατάληκτος or ὑπερκαταληκτικός, in prosody, a verse that has at the end a syllable or a foot too much, hypercatalectic, Serv. p. 1817 P.; Prisc. p. 1216 ib.\n', 'key': 'hypercatalectus', 'type': 'greek'}