hўoscўămus, i, m., = ὑοσκύαμος, the herb henbane, called also Apollinaris and altercum, Plin. 25, 4, 17, § 35; Cels. 5, 27, 14; Col. 6, 38, 3.—In a corrupted form: jusquiamus, i, m., Pall. 1, 35, 5; Veg. Vet. 2, 12, 5.
{'content': 'hўoscўămus, i, m., = ὑοσκύαμος, the herb henbane, called also Apollinaris and altercum, Plin. 25, 4, 17, § 35; Cels. 5, 27, 14; Col. 6, 38, 3.—In a corrupted form: jusquiamus, i, m., Pall. 1, 35, 5; Veg. Vet. 2, 12, 5.\n', 'key': 'hyoscyamus', 'type': 'greek'}