hŏmoeŏprŏphĕron, i, n., = ὁμοιοπρόφερον, alliteration, as in the verse of Ennius (ap. Prisc. p. 947 P. = Ann. v. 113 Vahl.): o Tite tute Tati tibi tanta tyranne tulisti, Mart. Cap. 5, § 514.
{'content': 'hŏmoeŏprŏphĕron, i, n., = ὁμοιοπρόφερον, alliteration, as in the verse of Ennius (ap. Prisc. p. 947 P. = Ann. v. 113 Vahl.): o Tite tute Tati tibi tanta tyranne tulisti, Mart. Cap. 5, § 514.\n', 'key': 'homoeopropheron', 'type': 'greek'}