Hippŏcŏon, ontis, m. Of Amyclœ, father of Enœsimus, who took part in the Calydonian hunt, Ov. M. 8, 314 and 363; Hyg. Fab. 173.— A companion of Æneas, an archer, Verg. A. 5, 492; Hyg. Fab. 273.
{'content': 'Hippŏcŏon, ontis, m. Of Amyclœ, father of Enœsimus, who took part in the Calydonian hunt, Ov. M. 8, 314 and 363; Hyg. Fab. 173.— A companion of Æneas, an archer, Verg. A. 5, 492; Hyg. Fab. 273.\n', 'key': 'Hippocoon', 'type': 'main'}