hărundĭnētum (ar-), i, n. harundo, II., a thicket or jungle of reeds, Cato, R. R. 6, 3; Varr. R. R. 1, 24, 4; Col. 4, 32, 3; Plin. 10, 8, 10, § 28; Vulg. Josue, 16, 8; 17, 9.
{'content': 'hărundĭnētum (ar-), i, n. harundo, II., a thicket or jungle of reeds, Cato, R. R. 6, 3; Varr. R. R. 1, 24, 4; Col. 4, 32, 3; Plin. 10, 8, 10, § 28; Vulg. Josue, 16, 8; 17, 9.\n', 'key': 'harundinetum', 'type': 'main'}