alterco, āre, act. form for altercor (anteand post-class.), to wrangle, quarrel: cum patre altercāsti, * Ter. And. 4, 1, 28.—Pass.: ne, dum de his altercatur, ipsius negotii disceptatio proteletur, Inst. Just. 4, 13, 10.
{'content': 'alterco, āre, act. form for altercor (anteand post-class.), to wrangle, quarrel: cum patre altercāsti, * Ter. And. 4, 1, 28.—Pass.: ne, dum de his altercatur, ipsius negotii disceptatio proteletur, Inst. Just. 4, 13, 10.\n', 'key': 'alterco', 'type': 'main'}