Haedĭlĭa, ae, f., prob. a mountain near the Sabine villa of Horace, Hor. C. 1, 17, 9 (so the Codd.; Bentley conjectured haeduleae, from haedulea, a little kid; but see Orell. and Dillenb. ad h. 1.).
{'content': 'Haedĭlĭa, ae, f., prob. a mountain near the Sabine villa of Horace, Hor. C. 1, 17, 9 (so the Codd.; Bentley conjectured haeduleae, from haedulea, a little kid; but see Orell. and Dillenb. ad h. 1.).\n', 'key': 'Haedilia', 'type': 'main'}