formālis, e, adj. forma (post-Aug.). (Acc. to forma, I. B. 2.) Of or for a form or mould: temperatura aeris, proper for making moulds, Plin. 34, 9, 20, § 98.— (Acc. to I. B. 4.) Having a set form, of the nature of a rescript, circular, formal: cum procuratorum suorum nomine formalem dictaret epistolam, sic coepit, etc., Suet. Dom. 13: formalia verba, Cod. Just. 6, 23, 26: observatio (in testamentis faciendis), id. ib.— Transf. (qs. of the nature of a formulary), fixed, normal: aliquid formali pretio aestimare, Dig. 35, 2, 62, § 1.