Ălĕmanni (
Ălĕmanni (Ălămanni and Ălă-mani), ōrum, m. = Alle-Männer, the Alemanni, German tribes who (as their name indicates) formed a confederation on the Upper Rhine and Danube, from whom the Gauls transferred the name to the whole German nation; cf. Aur. Vict. Caes. 21; Claud. II. Cons. Stil. 17; Sid. 5, 375.— Derivv., ălĕmannĭa (ălăm-), ae, f. cf. Fr. Allemagne; Ital. Alemagna, the country of the Alemanni, Claud. I. Cons. Stil. 234.— ălĕmannĭcus (ălăm-), a, um, adj., Alemannic, pertaining to the Alemanni: tentoria, Amm. 27, 2.—Hence, a surname of Caracalla, on account of his victory over the Alemanni, Spart. Carac. 10. — ălĕmannus (ălăm-), i, m., a surname of the emperor Gratian, on account of his victory over the Alemanni, Aur. Vict. Epit. 47.