farfărus, i, m., the plant colt's-foot, called also farfugium and chamaeleuce: tussilago, Linn.; Plin. 24, 15, 85, § 135.— Also in the form farfĕrus, Plaut. Poen. 2, 1, 32; Paul. ex Fest. p. 88, 13 Müll. N. cr.
{'content': "farfărus, i, m., the plant colt's-foot, called also farfugium and chamaeleuce: tussilago, Linn.; Plin. 24, 15, 85, § 135.— Also in the form farfĕrus, Plaut. Poen. 2, 1, 32; Paul. ex Fest. p. 88, 13 Müll. N. cr.\n", 'key': 'farfarus1', 'type': 'main'}